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Top 11 Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software

Top 11 Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is an integrated business management process through which the executive/leadership team continually achieves focus, alignment and synchronization among all functions of the organization.

The Sales and operations planning includes an updated forecast that leads to a sales plan, production plan, inventory plan, customer lead time (backlog) plan, new product development plan, strategic initiative plan and resulting financial plan. Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is the result of monthly planning activities. It is usually based on an Annual Operations Plan (AOP) that acts as the company's annual target in terms of sales and supply.

What are the Top Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software: SAP IBP S&OP, Infor S&OP, Oracle S&OP Cloud, JDA S&OP, Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP, Vanguard IBP S&OP, Logility S&OP, Manhattan S&OP, Atlas S&OP, ToolsGroup are some of the examples of best Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software.

You may like to review: How to Select the Best Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software for your Business and Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Activities, Benefits and Adoption

Top Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software

SAP IBP S&OP, Infor S&OP, Oracle S&OP Cloud, JDA S&OP, Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP, Vanguard IBP S&OP, Logility S&OP, Manhattan S&OP, Atlas S&OP, ToolsGroup are some of the Top Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software.
Top Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software
PAT Index™



SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) for sales and operations delivers a cross-departmental plan balancing the impact of product mix, inventory, service levels, and profitability. It further aligns sales and operations plans to corporate strategy and goals to drive revenue growth, increase market share, and attain financial targets. SAP Integrated Business Planning for sales and operations fits across enterprise planning, it adds value by making strategy actionable, integrating tactical planning and execution, and it drives visibility and agility. This software solves problems such as disparate data sources, perspectives and disconnected processes, silo-ed planning with functional goals, adhoc collaboration via Email, Excel,…


•Unified planning environment
•Scenario planning and simulation
•Collaboration for transparent communication
•Intuitive user intefaces
•Advanced analytics


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SAP Integrated Business Planning for S&OP provides a cross-departmental plan balancing the impact of product mix, inventory, service levels, and profitability with key capabilities such as unified planning environment, scenario planning and simulation, collaboration, intuitive user interfaces and advanced analytics.

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Infor S&OP


Infor S&OP is a software that enables decision-makers to achieve consensus on a single operating plan that profitably matches supply and demand while aligning with executive business goals. S&OP provides a holistic framework for balancing demand with supply and incorporates key financial measures to ensure an operational plan is aligned with the strategic plan to produce the best possible business results. Infor S&OP provides multiple ‘'what if'' scenarios on both demand and supply for identification of the best plan to meet customer service and financial goals, respond more quickly to the changing landscape of demand, and ensure the S&OP process…


•Demand-supply balancing
•''What if'' simulations
•S&OP Process support
•Common information repository
•Unit and currency synchronization
•Collaboration networks
•Event alerts
•Key performance indicator measurement


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Infor S&OP is a software that provides decision makers with an opportunity to achieve consensus on a single operating plan to profitably match supply and demand while aligning business goals through demad-supply balancing, ''what if'' simulations, S&OP process support, common information repository, and so forth.

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Infor S&OP


Oracle S&OP Cloud


Oracle Sales and Operations Planning Cloud (Oracle S&OP Cloud) enables the implementation of a continuous and forward-looking sales and operations planning (S&OP) process that profitably aligns product, demand, and supply plans with the strategic and financial objectives of an enterprise. Oracle S&OP Cloud key features are Configurable process-definition templates, Best practices S&OP, dashboards, layouts, and tables, Embedded analytics, Management by exception, Integration with Microsoft Excel, Waterfall charts for comparing plans, Consensus forecasting ,Planning notes, Enterprise social collaboration using Oracle Social Network, Rapid in-line supply simulation, Aggregate planning and rough-cut capacity planning, Plan Comparison, Continuous plan monitoring, Standalone S&OP solution using…


•Configurable process-definition templates
•Best practices S&OP
•Embedded analytics
•Management by exception
•Integration with Microsoft Excel
•Waterfall charts for comparing plans
•Consensus forecasting
•Planning notes
•Enterprise social collaboration
•Rapid in-line supply simulation
•Aggregate planning, capacity planning
•Plan Comparison
•Continuous plan monitoring
•Standalone S&OP solution
•Oracle planning solutions interoperability
•Supply chain management integration


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Oracle S&OP Cloud implements continuous and forward-looking S&OP process to profitably align product, demand,and supply plans with the strategic and financial objectives, and its features are Configurable process-definition templates, embedded analytics, Best practices S&OP, management by exception and more

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Oracle S&OP Cloud




JDA Sales& Operations Planning (S&OP) helps in taking a cross-functional approach to integrated business planning that unites all the moving parts across a supply chain with a shared focus to meet demand across markets, with an eye on both immediate and long-term strategic goals. When risks, opportunities or threats interfere with strategic execution, the entire organization can act swiftly and decisively get back on track. This is a S&OP that enables the time-phased vision of a company's future revenues, costs and margins targets to be operationally feasible. Also, JDA Sales& Operations Planning (S&OP) provides a way for the end-to-end supply…


•Visibility across departments
•Planned repeatable processes
•Identification of performance gaps
•Identifies what if resolution
•Shared focus


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JDA Sales& Operations Planning (S&OP) software takes a cross-functional approach to integrated business planning to unite all the moving parts across the supply chain with visibility across departments, planned repeatable processes, shared focus, identifications of performance gaps and more.

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Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP


Kinaxis RapidResponse provides an S&OP application, which you can evaluate, collaborate on and choose a sales and operations plan that most closely aligns with your corporate financial goals. RapidResponse applications are based on best-practices and standard process flows established by our years of successful deployments at a multitude of world-leading manufacturers. The out-of-the-box S&OP application enables quick implementations and acts as an advanced starting point for a tailored solution that meets your company’s unique sales and operations planning needs. It accomplishes this through faster and more reliable plan development, drastically reducing the sales inventory operations planning cycle, while producing more…


•Financial targets & variability
•Measure progress against targets
•Identify gaps
•Evaluate supply-demand balancing scenarios
•Enter & maintain S&OP assumptions


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Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP is an application that evaluates, collaborates on and chooses a sales and operation plan with capabilities including the ability to set financial targets and acceptable levels of variability, measure progress against those targets, identify gaps between consensus demand plan and aggregate supply plan, and re-balance, evaluate multiple supply-demand balancing scenarios, and enter and maintain S&OP assumptions.

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Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP


Vanguard IBP S&OP


Vanguard IBP for S&OP software (Sales and Operations Planning) helps predict all the facets of supply and demand to improve production scheduling, inventory management, logistics, suppy-chain management, and financial planning and budgeting. Vanguard IBP for S&OP software pulls in data from sales, operations, marketing, finance, and HR to synthesize integrative forecast, simulate hundreds f what-if scenarios, and support best-in-class multi-variate planning. It also supports top-down and bottom-up processes for Budgeting, Planning and Forecasting (BP&F). all updates are transparent instantly across distributed team environments. From raw materials to market ready products to the timing of capital investments, Vanguard IBP for S&OP…


•Product scheduling
•Inventory management
•Financial planning
•Better Logistics
•Supply chain management
•Budgeting function


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Vanguard IBP for S&OP software (Sales and Operations Planning) enhances product scheduling, inventory management, financial planning, logistics, supply chain by management ,and budgeting by predicting all the facets of demand and supply

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Vanguard IBP S&OP


Logility S&OP


Logility S&OP transforms diverse information from sales, production, finance, marketing, transportation, and procurement into one powerful central resource. A sales and operations planning team works from ‘'one number'' platform to save and achieve clarity. With a comprehensive S&OP solution in place, it can cut hours and days from a planning process, streamline the planning cycle and complete multi-divisional analysis in a fraction of the time. Logility S&OP best practices compare multiple ‘'what-if'' scenarios, evaluate critical decisions and prepare contingency strategies to avoid risk and pre-empt competition when market situations change. A successful S&OP best practice process aligns an organization strategically…


•Compare multiple ''what-if'' scenarios
•Evaluate critical decisions
•Prepare contigency strategies
•Sreamline planning cycle
•Complete multi-division analysis


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Logility S&OP is a comprehensive S&OP solution in one place that transforms a variety of information from sales, production, finance, marketing, transportation and procurement into one central resource with key features like comparison of multiple ''what if'' scenarios, evaluation of critical decisions, streamlining the planning cycle, and more.

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Logility S&OP


Manhattan S&OP


Manhattan S&OP is a software that helps in aligning inventory plans across an enterprise with detailed, retail-time execution. Manhattan S&OP easily integrates with an enterprise, Demand Forecasting, and Replenishment to ensure execution of the operational strategy. Manhattan S&OP simulates the impact of decisions on future inventory investments using ‘'what if'' analysis. It automatically disaggregates aggregate-level S&OP decisions to detailed execution plans. With Manhattan S&OP it is possible to instantly leverage top-down sales and inventory plans managed in Manhattan's Merchandise Planning solution. Manhattan S&OP can reconcile the Sales/inventory with near-term forecasts and order projections, gain unlimited product and location hierarchy support…


•Integrates with Demand Forecasting & Replenshment
•Leverage Manhattan store Clustering
•Support rolling 12-18 month planning
•Simulates impact of decisions
•Disaggregate aggregate-level S&OP decisions
•Leverage sales & inventory plans
•Reconcile sales/inventory plans
•Product &location hierarchy support


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Manhattan S&OP is a software that ensures alignment of inventory plans across an enterprise with seamless integration of Demand Forecasting and Replenshment, Leverage Manhattan store Clustering to analyze metic-driven location groupings, Support rolling 12-18 month planning horizons, simulation on the impact of decisions on future inventory investments amongst other features.

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Manhattan S&OP


Atlas S&OP


John Galt's Atlas Planning Suite was designed to streamline a S&OP process so that an enterprise can take advantage of a comprehensive supply chain solution. John Galt's Atlas Planning Suite has created an end-to-end value network that provides visibility, statistical forecasting, enhanced collaboration across the organization, inventory management, capacity planning and finite scheduling. Atlas is built on a flexible, open architecture to perform most planning tasks automatically, this way it enables a focus on the areas requiring personal management, and the team can quickly produce accurate forecasts and optimal plans to improve competitiveness over time. The Atlas Planning Suite starts…


•Demand management
•Scenario analysis
•Inventory management
•Capacity Planning
•Advanced planning and scheduling
•Planning portal for collabooration


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Atlas S&OP is made to sreamline the S&OP prcesses of an enterprise by providing a complete supply chain solution with demand management, scenario analysis, inventory management capacity planning, advanced planning and scheduling, and planning portal.

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Atlas S&OP




ToolsGroup S&OP is a software that employs the same data model for both tactical and operational planning, creating a single integrated data model with one version of the truth. Therefore, ToolsGroup S&OP enables an enterprise to achieve plans. Thus, ToolsGroup S&OP is a solution for the monthly S&OP meetings where managers make strategic decisions such as increasing revenue or adding new products that don’t always translate into operational plans that can be practically executed. The managers plan with one model and execute with another, creating a critical gap that is difficult to bridge, this often relegates S&OP to a passive…


•Tactical and operational planning
•Single integrated data model
•Integrated Business Planning
•Operational/execution planning
•Optimization based on detailed constraints


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ToolsGroup S&OP delivers a capability for strategy and execution enabling executives to make informed strategic and tactical decisions, by leveraging a single end-to-end data model of the supply chain, with a clear view of the best (optimal) options and associated tradeoffs, and the ability to implement those decisions into daily execution.

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You may like to review: How to Select the Best Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software for your Business and Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Activities, Benefits and Adoption

What is Sales and operations planning?

Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is an integrated business management process through which the executive/leadership team continually achieves focus, alignment and synchronization among all functions of the organization. The Sales and operations planning includes an updated forecast that leads to a sales plan, production plan, inventory plan, customer lead time (backlog) plan, new product development plan.

What are the Top Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software?

SAP IBP S&OP, Infor S&OP, Oracle S&OP Cloud, JDA S&OP, Kinaxis RapidResponse S&OP, Vanguard IBP S&OP, Logility S&OP, Manhattan S&OP, Atlas S&OP, ToolsGroup are some of the examples of best Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) Software.

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