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Calculation view provides structure-based predictions for any molecule structure. Available calculations include elemental analysis, names and identifiers, pKa, logP/logD, as well as solubility.
•Calculations •Chemical Search •Web Page Annotation •Compliance Checker •No restrictions on commercial practice
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Search view lets you perform text-based and structure-based searches against the Chemicalize database to find web page sources and associated structures of the results.
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Chemicalize provides instant cheminformatics solution. It is a powerful online platform for chemical calculations, search, and text processing. Calculation view provides structure-based predictions for any molecule structure. Available calculations include elemental analysis, names and identifiers, pKa, logP/logD, as well as solubility. Search view lets you perform text-based and structure-based searches against the Chemicalize database to find web page sources and associated structures of the results.
You can even combine text-based and structural queries to achieve advanced search capabilities. Web viewer displays any web page with chemical structures highlighted on it. Recognized formats are IUPAC names, common names, InChI, and SMILES identifiers. A chemical table of contents is organized at the left part of the page with the images of all recognized chemical structures.
Compliance view lets you check your compounds with respect to national regulations of several countries on narcotics, psychotropic drugs, explosives, hazardous materials, and toxic agents. Users need to ideally sign in to Chemicalize as some of the features (e.g., personal activity history) require the user authentication. Furthermore, Chemicalize also updates their programme according to what the users want and need.
Chemicalize is simple and very easy to use. It will simplify any chemical formula no matter if the user is a beginner or more advanced. This is an essential tool for any user that wants to take their chemical knowledge to the next level. The user can also collect certain free credits every month so that they can use more advanced features that are generally not available on the free version.
Chemical calculations, search, and text processing
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Small (<50)
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Mass media
Ease of use8.3
Features & Functionality8.1
Advanced Features8.1
Customer Support8.3
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Chemicalize is an online platform providing chemical calculations, search, and text processing. The calculation feature delivers structure-based predictions for molecule structures including elemental analysis, names and identifiers, pKa, logP/logD, as well as solubility. The search functionality allows users to conduct text-based and structure-based searches against the Chemicalize database. Advanced search capabilities are available with the option to combine text-based and structural queries with associated sources. The web page annotation tool is a resource displaying web pages with chemical structures highlighting relevant searches. Formats include IUPAC names, common names, InChI, and SMILES identifiers. The chemical table displays images of all recognized chemical structures and is incorporated at the left part of web pages. Chemicalize incorporates a compliance checker to verify national regulations of several countries related to narcotics, psychotropic drugs, explosives, hazardous materials, and toxic agents. All activities and data, such as input molecules and search queries, are not accessible to other Chemicalize users with private information being treated privately. Chemicalize can be used with no restrictions for commercial practice.
Chemical calculations, search, and text processing
Small (<50)
Mass media
Chemicalize is an online platform providing chemical calculations, search, and text processing. The calculation feature delivers structure-based predictions for molecule structures including elemental analysis, names and identifiers, pKa, logP/logD, as well as solubility. The search functionality allows users to conduct text-based and structure-based searches against the Chemicalize database. Advanced search capabilities are available with the option to combine text-based and structural queries with associated sources. The web page annotation tool is a resource displaying web pages with chemical structures highlighting relevant searches. Formats include IUPAC names, common names, InChI, and SMILES identifiers. The chemical table displays images of all recognized chemical structures and is incorporated at the left part of web pages. Chemicalize incorporates a compliance checker to verify national regulations of several countries related to narcotics, psychotropic drugs, explosives, hazardous materials, and toxic agents. All activities and data, such as input molecules and search queries, are not accessible to other Chemicalize users with private information being treated privately. Chemicalize can be used with no restrictions for commercial practice.