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1010data Facts to Enable Simplified Access to Disparate Big Data

1010data Facts to Enable Simplified Access to Disparate Big Data

1010data Facts to Enable Simplified Access to Disparate Big Data : 1010data, the only Big Data Discovery platform that uniquely combines a complete analytical platform with all of the relevant data clients need, today announced 1010data Facts, a family of datasets that curates important data for businesses and allows them to blend it with their own information to make critical decisions. 1010data Facts incorporates over a trillion rows of data in the following categories:

• Public data – government sources like the Federal Reserve, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the U.S. Census and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration;
• Third-party data – information from leading credit reporting agencies, property and loan information providers, home price providers, and other data providers that are preloaded and available for licensed clients (where applicable); and
• Disruptive data – proprietary data that is sourced by 1010data including data covering US and Canadian consumer spending, e-commerce purchases, gas prices, building permits and other data sources that provide unique insight.

By combining the analytical power of the award-winning 1010data Big Data Discovery platform with the insight available from 1010data Facts, businesses will increase the breadth and efficacy of their decision-making. With 1010data Facts, companies no longer need to worry about loading, cleansing and managing key datasets coming from outside of their four walls – it’s all handled automatically. 1010data Facts lets firms analyze their own data in stunningly complete detail while also leveraging external data, in areas such as consumer spending, e-commerce, weather, econometrics, and demographics – with no extra effort.

1010data Facts offers data owners a cloud-based platform to distribute and monetize their data, with all third-party data management and user governance built in. Data owners that supply their data to 1010data gain access to the full breadth of 1010data capabilities for managing, analyzing and distributing data in a secure fashion. 1010data also offers marketing and sales services to providers in both co-marketing and fully outsourced relationships.

“1010data Facts enables businesses to leverage, monetize and market Big Data in a way that is simpler, easier, and faster than ever before,” said Sandy Steier, CEO and Co-founder of 1010data. “From the user's perspective, all necessary data is already loaded onto the platform. Data blending happens with just a few clicks of the mouse. Time to insight is counted in seconds.”

1010data’s cloud Big Data Discovery service enables data owners and data analysts to easily share Big Data across company boundaries in a safe, neutral environment. Even non-technical users can directly access and analyze enormous amounts of data from an unlimited number of sources, and “mash up” data in original ways. Analysts can then publish their analyses and visualizations as web-based applications and effectively share those applications with an even wider audience. In particular, 1010data,

• Efficiently handles truly Big Data with infinite scalability;
• Delivers solutions quickly and caters to a broad range of user skills;
• Runs analysis and visualization very quickly, even unanticipated "off road" analysis;
• Allows easy data integration and mash ups; and
• Natively supports advanced analytics, including predictive and prescriptive modelling.


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