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Ontotext GraphDB

Ontotext GraphDB is a semantic graph database that helps organizations manage, store and organize contents into a smart data. This NoSQL database handles huge amount of queries in real time. Using smart data management works on products and services information in a faster speed. By flawlessly exposing, mixing and sharing data in different platforms, smart data management is achieved as there would be detailed information when it comes to mapped relationships.

OntotextGraphDB makes it easier to classify, reuse and combine information since data are stored in atomic facts. Updating and adding new data are easier to manage as well in this form of approach.In graph database, managing relationships are the key to a better system. With different entities that need to be recognized, using Ontotext. GraphDB allows users to modify and pinpoint the right connections from the database for easier access and queries. Ontotext GraphDB uses globally unique identifiers, data elements such as entities, objects, relationships, attributes and concepts are assigned with URIs to enable merging or updating without resulting to any problems. Ontotext GraphDB’s flexible data model supports all forms of metadata type of data. Ontotext GraphDB’s inferencing feature enables users to create new facts derived from existing ones. At the same time, queries still run on a fast speed which all in all provides accurate results. With so many information or data coming from different sources, users of Ontotext GraphDB are not limited to semantic facts only but also where the data comes from, date information and other important metadata of a specific data

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