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The Best AI-based Medical Imaging Tools

The Best AI-based Medical Imaging Tools

Medical Imaging has been vital in the diagnosis and monitoring of critical diseases for many years now. It has promoted greater efficiency and value in the provision of healthcare services.

Medical imaging is the use of several different technologies and technique to generate images of body parts, tissues, or organs for use in clinical diagnosis, treatment, and disease monitoring. Technology is being revolutionized at a fast pace and in every sector.

Medical imaging has been positively affected by this technological disruption. This has been enabled by key developments in artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence is the use of computer systems to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Through deep learning, computers can construct a wide array of algorithms that can to provide robust and powerful GPU computation for data modeling.

What is AI-based Medical Imaging?

AI-based medical imaging relies on a vast supply of medical case data to train its algorithms to find patterns in images and identify specific anatomical markers. Through rigorous analysis of patterns in a given digital image, the imaging algorithms can derive metrics and output that complement the analyses made by the radiologist, which can be useful for quick diagnosis.

With advanced medical imaging equipment that can process over 100 high-resolution medical images extremely fast, radiologists are now able to produce discrete assessments and spot details that are quite impossible to catch with a naked eye.

It doesn’t stop there; this acquired intelligence can then be validated by radiologists and uploaded into an electronic health record (EHR) or a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) for future reference. This information can help downstream providers to act accordingly and also assist in monitoring a patients’ response to therapy by providing reports and analytics on operational and clinical data.

AI-based medical imaging has contributed to improvements in the precision, economy, and safety of patient care. Apart from enabling ideal diagnosis or treatment on time leading to better health outcomes, it enables quality control and efficiency in the radiology workflow.

It also provides for automated risk stratification, which can be a powerful tool for identifying high-risk patients so they can receive specialized and optimized medical care. AI-based medical imaging will definitely not eliminate radiologists but instead, it will augment them in clinical diagnosis and clinical decision support, thereby helping reduce error and malpractice costs.

What are the Key Segments in AI-based Medical Imaging

What are the Key Segments in AI-based Medical Imaging

What are the Key Segments in AI-based Medical Imaging

  • Breast Imaging: Artificial intelligence has come in handy for radiologists in the diagnosis of various medical conditions enabling healthcare facilities worldwide to provide quality breast care to their patients across the globe. Complex and innovative imaging techniques such as the Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT), also referred to as 3-D mammography, has improved lesion visibility and provided a remarkable level of detail when it comes to tissue analysis. Integration of DBT with ultrasound and MRI has enhanced accuracy in clinical diagnosis thereby minimizing errors or recalls. It even helps in early detection of breast cancer and potential mammographic abnormalities more quickly and accurately. AI systems can also help radiologists categorize patients based on several data points such as breast density, individual medical history, and risk, referring them to the right interpreting radiologists thereby creating efficient workflows.
  • Cardiovascular Imaging: AI-based medical imaging is now playing a significant role in cardiology. A comprehensive cardiac examination can now be done through the use of highly integrated and dedicated software that contains the MRI tools needed for such procedures. This has allowed invasive diagnostic procedures like cardiac catheterization, angiography and examining surgery to be avoided. For instance, through machine learning and trained models, Arterys' cardiac MRI is able to automate the steps involved in a complex cardiac analysis. RTHawk, developed HeartVista™, a platform can for creating and running cutting-edge MRI applications, is made up of several advanced MRI techniques that deliver high-quality images a lot quicker than conventional imaging techniques. All these systems are examples of how AI is helping promote rapid and more accurate cardiovascular disease diagnoses.
  • Lung Imaging: Another field that has benefited immensely from artificial intelligence is lung imaging. Doctors are now utilizing AI technology to screen and analyze detailed images of the lungs including the lung parenchyma, airways, and vasculature. This technology provides for a fast and high-resolution assessment of the lungs improving efficiency in lung cancer screening. As a result, there is increased successful detection of characteristics and lesions of lung cancer. One entity that is leading in the advancement of AI is a Chinese artificial intelligence start-up, Infervision, whose Augmented CT Screening Solution (AI—CT) can precisely grasp suspicious lung cancer lesions in CT scans. This technology has facilitated early detection and treatment of lung cancer.
  • Neurological Imaging: Also referred to as Neuroimaging or brain imaging, it is the use of various techniques to generate images of the structure and/or function of the brain or any other part of the nervous system. AI is playing a key role in the diagnosis of brain injury and trauma he diagnosis of certain diseases. This technology is being integrated with computerized tomography or computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain a comprehensive mapping of the central nervous system.

What are the Future Prospectus of AI-based Medical Imaging

AI-based medical imaging provides significant and clinically relevant value to the radiologist's practice, with respect to both efficiency and quality. Going into the future, AI-based medical imaging will continue to develop and become part and parcel of radiology, enabling intricate imaging of organs, soft tissues, bones and virtually all other internal body structures.

More developments in AI-based medical imaging are expected as the years go by, in terms of processing speeds, display parameters i.e. 3D and 4D, and automation of workflows with algorithms that are even more accurate and fast.

The Best AI-based Medical Imaging

What are the Best AI-based Medical Imaging - Breast Imaging Tools: Quantitative Insights, ScreenPoint Medical, Volpara Solutions, CureMetrix, Densitas, QView Medical are some of the Top AI-based Medical Imaging - Breast Imaging software.

What are the Best AI-based Medical Imaging – General Tools: Enlitic, Butterfly Network, Lunit, ChironX, Aidoc, contextflow, 4Quant, Quibim, Predible, Qure, Methinks, Imagia, Innovation Dx, Blackford, Image Analysis, Zebra, Behold, Imagen are some of the Top AI-based Medical Imaging – General software.

Top AI-based Medical Imaging – Breast Imaging

Quantitative Insights, ScreenPoint Medical, Volpara Solutions, CureMetrix, Densitas, QView Medical are some of the Top AI-based Medical Imaging - Breast Imaging software.
Top AI-based Medical Imaging – Breast Imaging
PAT Index™

Quantitative Insights


Quantitative Insights, Inc. (QI) was formed to realize the clinical and commercial value of QuantX, a Computer-Aided Diagnosis system to aid Radiologists in more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer. Developed in the labs and clinics of the University of Chicago to improve outcomes while, at the same time, significantly reducing costs, QuantX addresses critical needs of clinicians, practice administrators and patients. The goal of quantitative insights is to provide the world’s first and only breast imaging decision support system with direct correlation to known pathology. Quantitative Insights is dedicated to improving patient management by harnessing the power of cutting-edge research…


• Computer-Aided Diagnosis system
• Breast cancer diagnosis
• Breast imaging decision support
• Aids radiologists
• Addresses critical needs
• Imaging solutions
• Patient management


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Quantitative Insights, Inc. (QI) was formed to realize the clinical and commercial value of QuantX, a Computer-Aided Diagnosis system to aid Radiologists in more accurate diagnosis of breast cancer.

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Quantitative Insights


ScreenPoint Medical


ScreenPoint develops Deep Learning and image analysis technology for automated reading of mammograms and digital breast tomosynthesis with solutions such as Transpara Decision Support, Transpara Score, and Transpara CAD. It exploits the latest methods in the rapidly evolving field of machine learning, combining these with very large well curated digital image databases and a thorough understanding of the physics of mammogram image formation and the practicalities of the clinical deployment of mammographic image analysis. Transpara decision Support is a novel concept for computer aided detection of breast cancer developed by the founders of ScreenPoint. It recognizes the fact that radiologists…


• Deep learning
• Image analysis technology
• Digital breast tomosynthesis
• Transpara Decision Support
• Transpara Score
• Transpara CAD
• Breast cancer detection
• mammograms reading


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ScreenPoint develops Deep Learning and image analysis technology for automated reading of mammograms and digital breast tomosynthesis with solutions such as Transpara Decision Support, Transpara Score, and Transpara CAD.

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ScreenPoint Medical


Volpara Solutions


Volpara Solutions Limited is the wholly-owned sales and marketing arm of Volpara Health Technologies Limited a research, development and manufacturing company that develops digital health solutions to enable personalized, high-quality breast cancer screening. Volpara Health Technologies Limited is a leading provider of breast imaging analytics and analysis products that improve clinical decision-making and the early detection of breast cancer. Volpara Health Technologies Limited is based in Wellington, New Zealand. With a diverse research team led by internationally recognized experts in medical physics, as well as proprietary medical imaging technology covered by multiple patents and trademarks, it applies science to the…


• Breast imaging analytics
• Breast cancer detection
• Automated exam assessment
• Research, development and manufacturing
• VolparaEnterprise,software
• VolparaEnterprise clinical applications
• VolparaDensity software
• Volpara data manager


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Volpara Solutions Limited is the wholly-owned sales and marketing arm of Volpara Health Technologies Limited a research, development and manufacturing company that develops digital health solutions to enable personalized, high-quality breast cancer screening.

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Volpara Solutions




CureMetrix’s research is focused on leveraging artificial intelligence and deep learning to develop the next generation of medical image analysis technology that radiologists and patients can confidently rely on. It is committed to the advancement of technology that will improve cancer survival rates worldwide. Currently, CureMetrix is honing their powerful image analysis platform into an adjunct, precision tool for mammography. Its goal is to equip radiologists with the objective, data-driven answers they need to support patients and their healthcare team as they make decisions about breast cancer screening, treatment and diagnosis. CureMetrix believes that providing radiologists with the most advanced…


• Artificial intelligence
• Image analysis technology
• Deep learning
• Breast cancer screening
• Breast cancer diagnosis treatment
• CM triage
• CM Assist
• CM Audit
• Computer-aided detection


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CureMetrix’s research is focused on leveraging artificial intelligence and deep learning to develop the next generation of medical image analysis technology that radiologists and patients can confidently rely on.

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Densitas is a breast imaging analytics company focused on automated breast density and mammography quality technologies through their products DM-Density and Densitas Image Check. Inflating healthcare costs and strict mammography quality standards mean mammography departments globally face immediate pressures to curb resource waste and standardize breast density reporting protocol while optimizing clinical outcomes. Densitas alleviates these pressures with its comprehensive breast imaging analytics platform. Densitas is comprised of a dedicated team with specialized expertise in machine learning, medical image analysis, informatics and clinical care. They are single-mindedly focused on developing products aimed at improving clinical outcomes, mammography quality, and appropriateness…


• Breast density analysis
• Mammography quality technologies
• DM Density
• Densitas Image Check
• Patient management
• Automates workflow
• standardized patient-specific metrics
• compliance to regulations


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Densitas is a breast imaging Analytics Company that focuses on automated breast density and mammography quality technologies through their products DM-Density and Densitas Image Check

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QView Medical


QView Medical, incorporated in 2006, developed its deep learning CAD for automated breast ultrasound systems (“ABUS”) with an experienced team totaling over 100 years of AI experience. QVCAD is the next generation CAD system for automated breast ultrasound ("ABUS") based on deep learning algorithms. The QVCAD innovative C-Thru technology combined with ABUS has demonstrated a 33% improved reading time while preserving diagnostic accuracy. The innovative QVCAD case review presents the CAD findings at the initial review of the case – Concurrent Reading. The QVCAD System is indicated for use as an aid to the radiologist during breast screening procedures for…


• Automated breast ultrasound systems
• Deep learning CAD
• CAD subsystem
• Viewer subsystem
• Image processing algorithms
• Image pattern recognition
• Artificial neural networks
• C-Thru technology


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QView Medical developed its deep learning CAD for automated breast ultrasound systems (“ABUS”) with an indication that the QVCAD system is for use as an aid to the radiologist during breast screening procedures.

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QView Medical

Top AI-based Medical Imaging – General

Enlitic, Butterfly Network, Lunit, ChironX, Aidoc, contextflow, 4Quant, Quibim, Predible, Qure, Methinks, Imagia, Innovation Dx, Blackford, Image Analysis, Zebra, Behold, Imagen
Top AI-based Medical Imaging – General
PAT Index™



Enlitic uses deep learning to distill actionable insights from billions of clinical cases by building solutions to help doctors leverage the collective intelligence of the medical community. Enlitic works with a wide range of partners and data sources to develop state-of-the-art clinical decision support products. Its deep learning technology can incorporate a wide range of unstructured medical data, including radiology and pathology images, laboratory results such as blood tests and EKGs, genomics, patient histories, and electronic health records (EHRs). This richness allows higher accuracy and deeper insights for every patient. Enlitic solutions integrate seamlessly into a user’s existing health system…


• Deep learning technology
• Incorporates unstructured medical data
• Electronic health records
• Patient histories
• Patient triaging solutions
• Screening solutions
• Real-time clinical support
• Retrospective analysis solutions


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Enlitic uses deep learning to distill actionable insights from billions of clinical cases by building solutions to help doctors leverage the collective intelligence of the medical community.

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Butterfly Network


Butterfly Network is a firm based in Guilford, Connecticut, that has introduced Butterfly iQ portable ultrasound system. Butterfly Network, Inc. develops a medical imaging device, designed to reduce the cost of real-time, three-dimensional imaging, and treatment. It consists of a portable transducer that connects directly to an iPhone, and an iOS app to display the images and to control settings. The device actually works as three different transducers thanks to an ultra wideband matrix array. This allows a clinician to perform a bunch of different scans and for the Butterfly iQ to be applicable in different clinical settings. The firm…


• Medical imaging
• Ultrasound system
• Diagnostics machine


• Butterfly iQ costs under $2,000.

Bottom Line

Butterfly Network is a firm based in Guilford, Connecticut, that has introduced Butterfly iQ portable ultrasound system and develops a medical imaging device, designed to reduce the cost of real-time, three-dimensional imaging, and treatment.

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Butterfly Network




Lunit is the first-ever, Real-time Imaging AI Analytics on the Web. Lunit is an AI-powered medical image analysis software company. Founded in 2013, Lunit develops advanced medical image analytics and novel imaging biomarkers via cutting-edge deep learning technology, in order to empower healthcare practitioners to make more accurate, consistent, and efficient clinical decisions. Lunit INSIGHT is web-based medical image diagnostic software, developed using cutting-edge deep learning technology. DIB technology is an imaging biomarker derived from large-scale medical image data. Letting the machine define important diagnostic features by itself without guidance from previously established medical criteria (defined by humans) is key…


• Real-time Imaging AI Analytics
• Chest Radiography
• Mammography solutions
• Pathology solutions


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Lunit is the first-ever, Real-time Imaging AI Analytics on the Web. Lunit is an AI-powered medical image analysis software company and was founded in 2013 to develop advanced medical image analytics and novel imaging biomarkers via cutting-edge deep learning technology, in order to empower healthcare practitioners to make more accurate, consistent, and efficient clinical decisions.

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ChironX deal uses a hybrid stack of complex and proprietary image processing algorithms, in conjunction with classical machine learning techniques. There's a lot of deep learning usage in some of its modules as well. It is a provider of an artificial intelligence-based disease detection platform. The company employs machine learning and clinical imaging techniques where images can be screened on portable medical devices to diagnose diseases such as oral and cervical cancer. It uses diagnostic software to detect complex diseases from medical images - making it faster, cheaper and more robust and with it, blindness can be preventable. ChironEye, which…


• Healthcare and AI
• Democratizing healthcare
• Research and Technology


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ChironX deal uses a hybrid stack of complex and proprietary image processing algorithms, in conjunction with classical machine learning techniques and is a provider of an artificial intelligence-based disease detection platform..

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Aidoc is developing the most advanced healthcare-grade AI. The patent-pending technology analyzes all relevant medical imaging and textual clinical data for a comprehensive coverage of the study. Aidoc’s Worklist Widget empowers the radiologist to prioritize incoming cases with suspected findings. Aidoc was built by a team of deep learning experts and practicing radiologists, aimed at tackling the real technological challenges of medical imaging analysis. AIDOC is a medical platform that makes use of the crypto network to help deliver users with a wide array of healthcare services. AIDOC is a ‘crypto-based healthcare client’ that makes use of a patient's medical…


• Bit Digital Person
• Life Bank,
• AI Doctor or AIDOC.


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Aidoc is developing the most advanced healthcare-grade AI using tha patent-pending technology that analyzes all relevant medical imaging and textual clinical data for a comprehensive coverage of the study.

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contextflow develops machine learning technology for large medical image data. Motivated by bringing state of the art research into clinical use, having an impact on providing better and more efficient care to patients, contextflow shifted focus on business development. With contextflow’s supporting radiologists, it now has its latest deep learning based technology ready to support them in their daily routine. Therefore, radiologists can easily get case sensitive information, a summary of case descriptions, and distribution of patterns in their case and similar cases. Radiologists can also reference cases, articles and publications and mark interesting regions in the image and get…


• Case relevant information
• Mark interesting image regions
• Summary of case descriptions
• Reference cases, articles, publications
• Get similar cases
• Large medical image data
• Lean integration


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contextflow develops machine learning technology for large medical image data and it provides solutions for radiologists and technology partners can unlock the potential of large medical image data through the Contextflow search system.

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4Quant utilize the latest Big Data and Deep Learning technology to extract meaningful, actionable information from images and videos. It is involved in the entire cycle from experiment design to measurement to analysis and interpretation. It provides expertise in both static and dynamic X-ray imaging experiments on a wide variety of samples ranging from mouse bones to brain vasculature. It can help the user design experiments, choose imaging modalities, scale up to a large number of samples, and interpret the results in order to gain high quality, actionable information from imaging studies. Image Query Analysis Engine (IAQE) is its core…


• Deep Learning Integration
• 4QL – Image Query Language
• BigData Framework
• Cluster and cloud Integration


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4Quant utilize the latest Big Data and Deep Learning technology to extract meaningful, actionable information from images and videos and is involved in the entire cycle from experiment design to measurement to analysis and interpretation.

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Quibim S.L. was created in late 2012 as an initiative from radiologists and biomedical engineers with a recognized scientific career. Quibim helps to improve human’s health by applying advanced and innovative image processing techniques to radiological images in order to detect the changes produced by diseases and drugs in the body. The company was born as a spin-off of La Fe Health Research Institute in Valencia (Spain), the renowned research institute of La Fe Polytechnics and University Hospital. Quibim applies artificial intelligence and advanced computational models to radiological images to objectively measure changes produced by a lesion or by a…


• Artificial Intelligence
• Advanced computational models
• Quantitative imaging solution
• Imaging biomarkers intergration


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Quibim S.L. was created in late 2012 as an initiative from radiologists and biomedical engineers with a recognized scientific career to help improve human’s health by applying advanced and innovative image processing techniques to radiological images in order to detect the changes produced by diseases and drugs in the body.

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Predible Health is a Bangalore based startup which builds artificial intelligence enabled cloud software for radiology. It is an automated segmentation of liver, enabling Surgical Planning and much more in just a couple of clicks. Prediblelung allows Malignancy scoring, Nodule tracking and response assessment at the click of a button. It combines the power of Deep Learning and Cloud Computation to deliver the future of radiology reporting. Malignancy scoring helps to deliver non-invasive diagnosis with the help of high confidence malignancy detection and risk scoring of Lung CT images. Nodule tracking is over time using standard protocols for screening of…


• Artificial Intelligence to medical imaging
• Automated segmentation of liver
• Diagnosis Solutions for Liver and Lung Cancer Patients
• Surgical Planning
• Malignancy scoring, Nodule tracking and Response assessment
• Cloud Computation


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Bottom Line

Predible Health is a Bangalore based startup which builds artificial intelligence enabled cloud software for radiology and automated segmentation of liver, enabling Surgical Planning and Malignancy scoring, Nodule tracking and response assessment at the click of a button.

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Qure.ai use cutting-edge deep learning technology to help diagnose disease and recommend personalized treatment plans from healthcare imaging data. Worldwide, the number of medical imaging procedures being performed is increasing several times faster than the number of doctors who can interpret them. Each scan is much more complex and information-rich than it used to be. Physician workload keeps increasing, as does the amount of information that they need to process before reaching a diagnosis. In this setting, the chance of human error increases, and doctors may miss a diagnosis that is evident in hindsight. Qure’s deep learning algorithms accurately detect…


• Deep learning algorithms
• Algorithm for interpretability
• Imaging solutions


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Qure.ai use cutting-edge deep learning technology to help diagnose disease and recommend personalized treatment plans from healthcare imaging data.

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Methinks headquarters is in Barcelona and is a company that was founded in 2016 to specialize in deep learning radiology and machine learning. It uses these new techniques, namely, Google's new deep learning framework, Tensorflow, to analyze neuroimaging for diagnosis of brain related diseases. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have made it possible for computers to understand images, sound, text and make decisions, in many cases, better and faster than humans. Methinks focus on specific pathologies, like acute stroke, to obtain clinical excellence. Methinks' software understands brain tissue and brain anatomy. Furthermore, the solutions Methinks provides go beyond one-image diagnosis.…


• Deep learning radiology
• Machine learning
• Tensor flow solutions


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Methinks headquarters is in Barcelona and is a company that was founded in 2016 to specialize in deep learning radiology and machine learning and uses these new techniques, namely, Google's new deep learning framework, Tensorflow, to analyze neuroimaging for diagnosis of brain related diseases.

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Imagia is leveraging advances in AI to enable accessible personalized care by delivering on the promise of radiomics to predict patient outcomes & detect disease specific markers from imaging data. Imagia provides solutions for biotech and pharma and interventions and diagnostic OEMS. For biotech and pharma, Imagia develops novel deep radiomic biomarkers capable of predicting personalized patient’s disease progression and treatment response. Deep radiomics biomarkers can instantaneously preview or complement test results weeks before they would be back from the lab. For interventions and diagnostic OEMS, Imagia develops device-specific clinical decisions support systems and real-time AI solutions and it also…


• Deep radiomics biomarkers
• AI-driven structuring solutions
• Collective discovery process
• Data traceability
• Machine learning
• Deep learning architectures
• Real-time AI solutions
• Human-machine interfaces


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Imagia is a software that leverages advances in AI to enable accessible personalized care by delivering on the promise of radiomics to predict patient outcomes & detect disease specific markers from imaging data.

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Innovation Dx


Innovation Dx is bringing data analytics to medicine. Innovation Dx technology enables medical professionals to make more informed generalizations from medical image data. Innovation DX utilizes the latest and greatest advances in machine learning. Innovation DX software services provide world class diagnostic performance at the touch of a finger. It Provide healthcare professionals with near instant reports - 3ms results. According to a survey done by SERMO, every year 1 in 20 patients (12 million people) will be misdiagnosed, costing hospitals and patients alike billions and resulting in 98,000 deaths. 30 percent of all electronic data is created by the…


• Machine learning
• Performing diagnostics
• Data analysis


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Innovation Dx technology enables medical professionals to make more informed generalizations from medical image data, utilizes the latest and greatest advances in machine learning and also provides world class diagnostic performance at the touch of a finger.

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Innovation Dx




Blackford Analysis is a provider of software products that accelerate comparison of medical images by providing centralized deployment and management of AI and other image processing capabilities across the healthcare enterprise. By saving clinician time and increasing capacity, Blackford’s products help to increase productivity and streamline communication across the healthcare enterprise. Designed to be integrated directly into any image viewer, Blackford’s products work seamlessly within existing systems to enable instant comparison of multiple image studies with a single click, providing a typical time-saving of 10%-20% for each comparison made. Examples of applications available on the Blackford Platform include; Intelerad 3D…


• Intelerad 3D Cursor
• Blackford Smart Localizer
• eRad MagicX
• Image analysis
• Image processing
• Image storage and interpretation
• Image viewing and sharing
• Compare medical images


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Blackford Analysis is a provider of software products that accelerate comparison of medical images by providing centralized deployment and management of AI and other image processing capabilities across the healthcare enterprise.

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Image Analysis


Image Analysis Inc. specializes in quantitative computed tomography (QCT) bone densitometry, providing calibration phantoms and software for key bone density research, drug evaluations and multi-center calcium scoring studies. Based in Columbia, Ky., the company offers N-Vivo, a software appliance, containing four calibrated and automated computed tomography (CT) applications, including coronary and aortic calcium scoring and spine and hip bone mineral density (BMD). The coronary calcium scoring product is capable of finding smaller plaques than any other detection method and the aortic calcium scoring offers high sensitivity, high accuracy and high precision. The spine BMD application applies fully automated software ROI…


• Computed tomography applications
• Aortic calcium scoring
• Coronary calcium scoring
• Spine BMD
• Hip BMD
• Calibration phantoms
• QA Torso phantom
• Couch pad
• Bolus bag


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Image Analysis Inc. specializes in quantitative computed tomography (QCT) bone densitometry, providing calibration phantoms and software for key bone density research, drug evaluations and multi-center calcium scoring studies.

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Image Analysis




Zebra’s mission is to provide radiologists with the tools they need to make the next leap in transforming patient care with the power of AI. It provides humanity with automated, accurate & timely medical image diagnosis. Zebra is empowering radiologists with its revolutionary AI offering which helps health providers manage the ever-increasing workload without compromising quality- at a flat, transparent $1 per scan. It works with millions of imaging and correlated clinical records to create high-performance algorithms that automatically detect medical conditions faster, for numerous findings in parallel. Zebra’s Radiology Assistant receives imaging scans from various modalities and automatically analyzes…


• Zebra Radiology assistant
• Imaging scans and deep learning tools


• Flat, transparent $1 per scan.

Bottom Line

Zebra’s provides radiologists with the tools they need to make the next leap in transforming patient care with the power of AI and offers humanity with automated, accurate & timely medical image diagnosis.

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Behold.ai’s medical software uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to help radiologists make better medical decisions. Behold.ai is deep-learning medical software that makes it easy for healthcare practitioners to identify diseases from radiology and camera image data. It works by feeding the software algorithm hundreds of scans of healthy versus unhealthy lungs, for example, to teach the program how to identify a problem, and then improves on its own over time. In particular, the branch of AI known as deep learning has shown that computers can parse large volumes of data and, in the process, “learn” the salient features of images and…


• Amazon EC2.
• Amazon Cloud Watch
• Elastic Load Balancing (ELB)
• Elastic Block Store (EBS)
• Identity and Access Management (IAM)


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Behold.ai’s medical software uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to help radiologists make better medical decisions and a deep-learning medical software that makes it easy for healthcare practitioners to identify diseases from radiology and camera image data.

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Imagen provides solutions for businesses, sports organizations and media companies to manage and distribute their ever growing media libraries. This ensures fast, easy, secure and controlled access to content through a highly-customizable content portal. With video representing 60 percent of global data – and set to grow further – Imagen Ltd ensures companies can preserve their valuable content for the future and enable them to maximize its value. Imagen has over 1 million hours of video stored on behalf of leading brands and it partners with organization such as the premier league, Ministry of Defense, Reuters and others. Imagen features…


• Media management tools
• Workflow component
• Browser based database management
• Access controls
• Web interface
• System analytics
• Brand management
• Content monetization


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Imagen provides solutions for businesses, sports organizations and media companies to manage and distribute their ever growing media libraries to ensure fast, easy, secure and controlled access to content through a highly-customizable content portal.

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What is AI-based Medical Imaging?

AI-based medical imaging relies on a vast supply of medical case data to train its algorithms to find patterns in images and identify specific anatomical markers. Through rigorous analysis of patterns in a given digital image, the imaging algorithms can derive metrics and output that complement the analyses made by the radiologist, which can be useful for quick diagnosis.

What are the Key Segments in AI-based Medical Imaging?

The Key Segments in AI-based Medical Imaging include Breast Imaging, Cardiovascular Imaging, Lung Imaging and Neurological Imaging.

What are the Best AI-based Medical Imaging - Breast Imaging Tools?

Quantitative Insights, ScreenPoint Medical, Volpara Solutions, CureMetrix, Densitas, QView Medical are some of the Top AI-based Medical Imaging - Breast Imaging software.

What are the Best AI-based Medical Imaging – General Tools?

Enlitic, Butterfly Network, Lunit, ChironX, Aidoc, contextflow, 4Quant, Quibim, Predible, Qure, Methinks, Imagia, Innovation Dx, Blackford, Image Analysis, Zebra, Behold, Imagen are some of the Top AI-based Medical Imaging – General software.

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