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Versium Predictive Scores and Datafinder

Versium Predictive Scores and Datafinder

Versium Predictive Scores and Datafinder : Versium, is a data technology company that operates the LifeData predictive analytics scoring service. Versium delivers predictive scores that are built from their proprietary LifeData platform. The platform contains over half a trillion data attributes sourced from publicly observable and commercially available means and these when matched to an enterprise’s CRM, marketing, or other internal data elements, scores that deliver specific ROI value are generated. Versium’s predictive scores utilize machine learning, complex algorithms and LifeData to produce predictive models that score likelihood to take a specific action. Predictive Scores available includes, Green Score, Giving Score, Wealth Score, Auto Buyer Lead Score, Fraud Score, ID Risk Score, Churn Score, Fan Score and Home seller Score.

Green Score predicts environmentally consciousness, and likelihood to purchase green products or services. Giving Score predicts the likelihood to donate to a cause either charitable or political and the Wealth Score predicts discretionary buying power. The Auto Buyer Lead Score predicts and ranks the value of auto buyer prospects and the Fraud Score is for businesses that want to mitigate fraud as new perspective customers are opening an account or prevent fraudulent activity on an existing customer’s account. The ID Risk Score enables businesses to monitor and assess a consumer’s risk of Identity Theft and Churn Score identify and predict which individuals have a propensity to voluntarily cancel their subscription to a service or membership to an organization. Fan score can identify and predict individuals who are more likely to have an affinity to your industry, company or brand and Home seller score n identify and predict which individuals are more likely to list their home on the market for sale within the next year.


Versium Predictive Scores and Datafinder

Versium Predictive Scores and Datafinder

Predictive scores can be appended to customer lists, prospect lists or existing enterprise applications via APIs so that businesses can easily act on a single piece of information.

Versium also runs Datafinder (, which is a self serve website which provides data and data technology tools to businesses of all sizes. Datafinder’s predictive marketing scores are built from Versium’s LifeData predictive analytics engine. Datafinder’s self serve tools allow businesses to easily append contact details such as emails, addresses or phone numbers. Datafinder verifies telephone numbers and the deliverability of email addresses, and when available, will append valid email addresses and working phone numbers. This allows marketers to connect with more customers or prospects and enables multi-channel marketing programs by allowing marketers to communicate with customers and prospects in more ways.

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More Information on Predictive Analysis Process

Predictive Analytics Process Flow

Predictive Analytics Process Flow

For more information of predictive analytics process, please review the overview of each components in the predictive analytics process: data collection (data mining), data analysis, statistical analysis, predictive modeling and predictive model deployment.

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