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University of Illinois, Master of Science in Finance
University of Illinois, Master of Science in Finance
The Illinois Master of Science in Finance program has been officially named a CFA Program Partner.College of Business Illinois master of science in Finance Master program is renowned for bringing the market’s most essential models and theories into a virtual classroom.
Finance Masters Programs
•8- months practicum program •3 - Months Summer Internship program •Curricumlum includes Alternate Investments, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Financial Econometrics, Financial Engineering, Financial Programming, High Frequency Trading, Investment Management, Risk Management, or Trading
Degree Name
Master of Science in Finance
•15- months Ful Time
•About $65,445
What is best?
•8- months practicum program •3 - Months Summer Internship program •Curricumlum includes Alternate Investments, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Financial Econometrics,
What are the benefits?
• Assisting in exercises, case studies, and other engaging and active forms of applied learning. •Summer internship practicum project •Evaluate strategic staffing vision, shape corporate culture and empower organizational change..
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College of Business Illinois master of science in Finance offers a number of opportunities not only to improve your business and leadership skills but to enhance your résumé through a Professional Development course, practicum, and case competitions.
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College of Business Illinois master of science in Finance Master program is renowned for bringing the market’s most essential models and theories into a virtual classroom. Online learners work with industry experts remotely to construct an indestructible foundation in financial analysis. Concentrations are available in Alternate Investments, Corporate Finance, Entrepreneurial Finance, Financial Econometrics, Financial Engineering, Financial Programming, High Frequency Trading, Investment Management, Risk Management, or Trading. Over the years, thirteen members of the faculty and eleven members of the alumni at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have received the Nobel Prize in Sciences and Economics. Ten of the Pulitzer Prize winners are from the Faculty and Alumni of this University. More than eighty members of the current faculty are on the National Academy of Sciences, and about fifty members of the National Academy of Engineering are on the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The University Library is one of the largest public university collections in the world, housing more than 10,500,000 volumes, over 6,000,000 manuscripts, periodicals, and other non-print materials, and more than 65,000 journals. In addition to the main library, there are more than 37 departmental libraries and divisions throughout campus, including the largest U.S. engineering library, state-of-the-art agricultural library, and the world-renowned Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Immerse yourself in emerging concepts, practices and technologies necessary to be successful in today’s finance industry.
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