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TextualETL is the technology that allows an organization to read text in any format in any language and to convert the text to a standard relational data base (DB2, Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server et al) where the text is in a useful meaningful format.
Text Analytics Software
• Integrate textual data into a data base • Create an unstructured data base that is then integrated with structured data • Read and process unstructured data so that textual analytics can be done • Leverage the investment you have already made in Business Intelligence • Optimize your analytical infrastructure so it can be used – as is •Include unstructured data as part of the decision making process
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Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1000 employees)
What is best?
• Integrate textual data into a data base • Create an unstructured data base that is then integrated with structured data in a data warehouse • Read and process unstructured data so that textual analytics can be done • Leverage the investment you have already made in Business Intelligence
What are the benefits?
• Read any source or format of text – email, Hadoop, .txt, .doc. data base, etc. • Handle text in any common language (English, Spanish, French, German, et al) • Interpret both “standard” text and shorthand • Transform the text into any standard relational data base management system • Scale up to handle large amounts of data • Address the issues of multiple terminology for the same term • Apply taxonomies and ontologies to raw text • Recognize and manage logical sub divisions of text as it resides in the document • Perform both document fracturing and named value processing • Order multiple forms of text • standard text, doctor’s notes, comments, shorthand, tweets, and so forth • Visually display the clustering of words and terms • Back reference a document • Accomplish homographic resolution • Locate and recognize patterns of text
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TextualETL does not put text into a blob. Once text is placed in a blob it is essentially not useful. Instead TextualETL creates a textual data base in a relational format that is fit for analytical processing.
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TextualETL is the technology that allows an organization to read text in any format in any language and to convert the text to a standard relational data base (DB2, Oracle, Teradata, SQL Server et al) where the text is in a useful meaningful format. TextualETL does not put text into a blob. Once text is placed in a blob it is essentially not useful. Instead TextualETL creates a textual data base in a relational format that is fit for analytical processing.
TextualETL reads, integrates, and prepares unstructured data that is ready to go into standard technologies such as Oracle, DB2, Teradata, and NT SQL Server. Once the unstructured data resides in any of those technologies, standard analytical tools such as Business Objects, Cognos, MicroStrategy, SAS and other analytical technologies can be used to access and analyze your unstructured data.
TextualETL operates on standard platforms, such as Windows or Linux, and reads and operates on all forms of electronic text. TextualETL produces out in any standard form of data base including Oracle, Teradata, DB2, SQL Server, Hadoop, Netezza, and many more.
Raw text and uses textual disambiguation technology to create and transform data to be ready for analysis
Company size
Small (<50)
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Super User
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Ease of use8.4
Features & Functionality8.3
Advanced Features8.1
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TextualETL is powerful software that works on raw text and uses textual disambiguation technology to create and transform data to be ready for analysis. It can work on any textual content from any source that you may have and let the software do its job of extraction and transformation. As a result, users will be able to get valuable insights on how they can manage their customers, employees, products, services, social media connections and more.
Raw text and uses textual disambiguation technology to create and transform data to be ready for analysis
Small (<50)
Super User
TextualETL is powerful software that works on raw text and uses textual disambiguation technology to create and transform data to be ready for analysis. It can work on any textual content from any source that you may have and let the software do its job of extraction and transformation. As a result, users will be able to get valuable insights on how they can manage their customers, employees, products, services, social media connections and more.