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SUDAAN is a software package designed for researchers who work with study data. SUDAAN procedures properly account for correlated observations, clustering, weighting, stratification, and other complex design features—making them ideal for efficiently and accurately analyzing data from surveys and experimental studies.
Statistical Software
•Analyses correlated data •Has features to support clustering, weighing, stratification etc. •Can handle calculation on several data types •Provide several options for estimating standard error •Can be used alone or as an add-on feature •The software comes with examples and data sets
Proprietary Software
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Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
What is best?
•Analyses correlated data •Has features to support clustering, weighing, stratification etc. •Can handle calculation on several data types •Provide several options for estimating standard error •Can be used alone or as an add-on feature
What are the benefits?
• Analyze complex, dynamic Data • Perform complex statistical procedures • Perform complex sample surveys • Conduct experiments or observational studies • Support program design and implementation • Support for policy reforms
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SUDAAN offers eight design options to determine how standard error estimates are obtained, enabling you to specify a wide variety of sample designs often found in sample surveys and other correlated data situations.
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SUDDAN is a statistical analysis software making complex calculation and analysis an easy and quick job. The software is used for calculating and analyzing results of various complex studies.
The software is capable of performing calculation on correlated data. The software can handle complex statistical tasks such as imputing, weighing, stratification of data and clustering. The software is being using by private, government as well as academic institutions.
The software provides an add-on feature to prevailing statistical analysis software. In this way users can perform complex tasks using current tools. Users do not have to learn everything from the scratch. All they need to learn is about this add-on feature.
The tool is being used by over 1400 firms. The software is available in different versions. Either it could be a stand-alone software or an add-on feature. The software has the capability to integrate files from SPSS and SAS. The software complies with the United States government configuration base line standards as well as section 508. The software has the capability to perform design correlation on complex forms of data.
These data types include data from sample survey, clinical trial data, longitudinal data, experimental or observational data. Thus correlation can be performed on several data types.
The software allows users a variety of option to estimate the standard error. These options include balance repeated replication, jackknife and Taylor series linearization. The company also arranges training programs to train users about how to perform complex calculations. The software also come with examples and data sets, helping users to understand the software easily.
For weighing, imputing, and analyzing correlated data
What are the benefits?
SUDAAN’s technical team delivers word-class technical support in program design and implementation across social, economic, environmental, and public health sectors. The team conducts needs assessments, develop and deliver training, and provide data and tools tailored to the needs of clients and their programs.
Company size
Medium (50 to 1000)
User Role
Super User
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Ease of use8
SUDAAN is statistical software for weighing, imputing, and analyzing correlated data. It is developed by expert statisticians and programmers, and is designed for researchers who work with study data. It provides proven methods and technological innovations in survey science that deliver answers for an increasingly data-driven world. SUDAAN features a robust variance estimation system that offers eight design options to determine how standard error estimates are obtained, enabling you to specify a wide variety of sample designs often found in sample surveys and other correlated data situations.
Features & Functionality8.2
Advanced Features8.7
Training 8.3
Customer Support8.4
Renew & Recommend8.4
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SUDAAN offers all three popular variance estimation methods which are Taylor series linearization (GEE for regression models), Jackknife method, and the Balance repeated replication (BRR) method. SUDAAN’s data analytics software focuses on quality, validity, and reliability of data by applying quality control and assurance procedures from sampling design through data collection and analysis. This enables statisticians and biostatisticians to conduct complex quantitative and qualitative statistical analyses to support research programs and studies of all types, to advance science and inform public policy.
For weighing, imputing, and analyzing correlated data
SUDAAN’s technical team delivers word-class technical support in program design and implementation across social, economic, environmental, and public health sectors. The team conducts needs assessments, develop and deliver training, and provide data and tools tailored to the needs of clients and their programs.
Medium (50 to 1000)
Super User
SUDAAN is statistical software for weighing, imputing, and analyzing correlated data. It is developed by expert statisticians and programmers, and is designed for researchers who work with study data. It provides proven methods and technological innovations in survey science that deliver answers for an increasingly data-driven world. SUDAAN features a robust variance estimation system that offers eight design options to determine how standard error estimates are obtained, enabling you to specify a wide variety of sample designs often found in sample surveys and other correlated data situations.
SUDAAN offers all three popular variance estimation methods which are Taylor series linearization (GEE for regression models), Jackknife method, and the Balance repeated replication (BRR) method. SUDAAN’s data analytics software focuses on quality, validity, and reliability of data by applying quality control and assurance procedures from sampling design through data collection and analysis. This enables statisticians and biostatisticians to conduct complex quantitative and qualitative statistical analyses to support research programs and studies of all types, to advance science and inform public policy.