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Springboard Retail is a cloud-hosted point-of-sale (POS) and retail management platform. The software boasts of comprehensive yet easy-to-use business and operational tools designed by actual retailers who know firsthand the ever-changing needs of modern brands in today’s fast-paced retail industry.
Retail Management System
• Metrics + reporting: Stay agile and responsive to changing market conditions • Customer QuickView dashboard • Item grid feature makes entering size runs a breeze • Customer management: Integrations with top loyalty & marketing platforms • Order management: Real-time inventory data across all channels • SpringboardTRAC: See real-time traffic & conversions
• Plus - $99 / month • Professional - $139 / month
Free Trial
Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
Springboard Retail
What is best?
• Item grid feature makes entering size runs a breeze • Customer management: Integrations with top loyalty & marketing platforms • Order management: Real-time inventory data across all channels • SpringboardTRAC: See real-time traffic & conversions
What are the benefits?
• Data-driven: Get granular, dive into the data and most importantly use it to make the right decisions • Built-in flexibility: Scale up or down seamlessly and rest assured that your software will always be up-to-date with the latest tools • Grow confidently: User-friendly but designed to perform • Export: Easily export to CSV, PDF or share a URL
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Springboard Retail point of sale and retail management software was designed specifically for retail, empowering brands & retailers to harness their data and sell more, profitably.
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Springboard Retail is a cloud-hosted point-of-sale (POS) and retail management platform. The software boasts of comprehensive yet easy-to-use business and operational tools designed by actual retailers who know firsthand the ever-changing needs of modern brands in today’s fast-paced retail industry. Springboard Retail’s Mobile POS and retail management system is tailored to be utilized by retailers so that they can maximize company resources, increase efficiency, and boost sales. Features include up-to-the-minute inventory monitoring, extensive reporting tools, open APIs for detailed customization, and portability throughout different platforms and devices. The technology is easy to learn and roll-out regardless of whether a retailer has one branch or 50 outlets across different locations. Springboard Retail’s intuitive Mobile POS helps retailers sell more due to how it leverages on the internet. The cloud-based software delivers real-time data on customers’ locations and shopping behaviors so that retailers are empowered to deploy action plans that can maximize sales. Since it is easy to use, associates do not need to spend a lot of time navigating around the program or figuring out the functionalities, but instead get all systems going in order to achieve their sales targets. Springboard Retail has extensive Inventory Management capabilities so that retailers are able to track how much is in their stores, across all available sales channels. Since the software is hosted in the cloud, users are able to monitor inventory anytime and anywhere there is an internet connection. With Springboard Retail, retailers can thoroughly review sales performances and extract all the details that they need to automatically come up with extensive reports. These are laid out carefully so that users can analyze information accurately and come up with strategies more rapidly.
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