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SAP TPM leverage real-time visibility to actual consumer demand to assess promotion effectiveness, quickly simulate available options to make fast course corrections, and to predict and optimize future promotions.
Trade Promotion Management Software
• Trade Promotion Agreements provides the contractual framework for all events and trade activities • Get reliable recommendations for promotional activity by running what-if simulations based on order history, retail point-of-sale, and market research • Predict and optimize promotion outcomes, including revenue and profit, for both manufacturers and retailers through predictive analytics • Promotion execution and settlement: Associate individual deductions and claims with specific trade promotion activities • Volumes and trade spends planning: Carry out forecasting for deals, trade promotions, or trade promotion elements • Mass copy and mass change: Quickly create and modify multiple trade promotions
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Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
What is best?
• Predict and optimize promotion outcomes, including revenue and profit, for both manufacturers and retailers through predictive analytics • Promotion execution and settlement: Associate individual deductions and claims with specific trade promotion activities • Volumes and trade spends planning: Carry out forecasting for deals, trade promotions, or trade promotion elements • Mass copy and mass change: Quickly create and modify multiple trade promotions
What are the benefits?
• Increase productivity: Balance non-promotional and promotional activities and align them with company targets • Hit targets: Create winning strategies by product or sales channel • Actionable: Identify and react to plan deviations quickly • Enhance the value of trade promotion programs: Determine the best way to promote a given product, such as discounts, rebates, or premiums
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SAP Trade Promotion Management - Plan, track, and optimize promotions with easy collaboration between sales, finance, supply chain, and marketing.
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SAP TPM leverage real-time visibility to actual consumer demand to assess promotion effectiveness, quickly simulate available options to make fast course corrections, and to predict and optimize future promotions. Enable cross-functional collaboration with marketing, supply chain and finance to maximize consumer sell-through, drive promotion spend ROI, and ensure promotional and financial compliance.
The solution incorporates robust analytics to drive better trade spend decision making as well as a more intuitive user experience to drive better adoption by users. While this solution can be used as a rich accelerator throughout the lifecycle of a project, it is especially useful during the early project phases by bringing the design to life for stakeholders rather than forcing them to imagine it based on a generic vanilla environment, a slide, or worse, a blank whiteboard.
The TPM solution addresses the biggest challenge of user adoption that many SAP TPM projects face by offering an easy and intuitive user experience for sales users resulting in higher adoption rate & providing the capability to create a more intuitive and mobile user experience for time-sensitive actions to be performed on a mobile device. The SAP TPM solution is designed to help companies manage trade promotion processes with a closed-loop, integrated approach.
This helps improve management of promotional spending, effectively plan promotions with each retail customer, and make forecast volume for promotions that can be analyzed on key performance indicators such as total trade expenditures, profit impact and incremental return on investment.
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