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Quibim S.L. was created in late 2012 as an initiative from radiologists and biomedical engineers with a recognized scientific career. Quibim helps to improve human’s health by applying advanced and innovative image processing techniques to radiological images in order to detect the changes produced by diseases and drugs in the body.
• Precision platform for centralized storage, management and advanced analysis of medical images • Allows centrally managing, store and quantitatively analyzing the images, providing the ‘real time clinical trial’ concept • Optimization of the images acquisition in the equipments to the imaging biomarkers report integration into the PACS • Allows to select the best patients and to early evaluate treatment response. • Liver fat & iron imaging biomarkers provided by QUIBIM allow to diagnose and follow-up patients with diffuse liver disorders
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Quibim S.L. was created in late 2012 as an initiative from radiologists and biomedical engineers with a recognized scientific career to help improve human’s health by applying advanced and innovative image processing techniques to radiological images in order to detect the changes produced by diseases and drugs in the body.
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Quibim S.L. was created in late 2012 as an initiative from radiologists and biomedical engineers with a recognized scientific career. Quibim helps to improve human’s health by applying advanced and innovative image processing techniques to radiological images in order to detect the changes produced by diseases and drugs in the body.
The company was born as a spin-off of La Fe Health Research Institute in Valencia (Spain), the renowned research institute of La Fe Polytechnics and University Hospital. Quibim applies artificial intelligence and advanced computational models to radiological images to objectively measure changes produced by a lesion or by a pharmacological treatment, offering additional quantitative information to the qualitative approach of radiology. Quibim technology and services are applied in clinical practice, research projects and clinical trials.
Quibim is the first company to provide the precision and accuracy of measurements. Quibim Precision platform is FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliant and allows for the centralized storage, management and advanced analysis of medical images. It features the quantitative imaging solution for hospitals and radiology departments.
Quibim assist in the full process of imaging biomarkers integration, from the optimization of the images acquisition in the equipments to the imaging biomarkers report integration into the PACS. The platform can be either installed locally or used as a service in the Cloud, thanks to its interoperability. Quibim platform allows centrally managing, store and quantitatively analyzing the images, providing the ‘real time clinical trial’ concept. The platform allows to select the best patients and to early evaluate treatment response. Liver fat & iron imaging biomarkers provided by Quibim allow to diagnose and follow-up patients with diffuse liver disorders.
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