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Open Network Insight and Open Data Model in the Cybersecurity Community
Open Network Insight and Open Data Model in the Cybersecurity Community
The Open Network Insight (ONI) v1.0 project is an open source, community-developed network data model that delivers visibility into security threats by providing advanced threat detection using big data analytics. ONI uses machine learning as a filter for separating suspicious network traffic from benign and to characterize the unique behavior of network traffic. ONI is extensible, enabling any number of vendors to enhance the open data model and develop their own innovative applications on top of it. ONI runs on top of Cloudera’s enterprise data hub (EDH) and other open big data platforms.
“The world has never been in greater need of innovation in cybersecurity but to get started each vendor has had to reinvent the same wheel again and again,” said Tom Reilly, chief executive officer of Cloudera. “The differences in vendor data models also create silos between solutions and makes it difficult for customers to harness innovation from multiple vendors. ONI accelerates solution development and simplifies customer consumption of different vendor products.”
Mr. Reilly goes on to say, “We are very excited about ONI and today’s announcement is just the first step. Building from ONI v1.0 Cloudera’s goal is to foster development of open object models beyond network to include endpoint, and user / identity. Our cybersecurity focused partners are leveraging ONI to accelerate their delivery of advanced solutions capitalizing on a pre-built open data model coupled with the powerful compute capabilities of Cloudera’s enterprise data hub. Customers are benefiting from these common objects and can easily extend to adjacent use cases beyond cybersecurity: network operations, fraud, and user experience optimization to name just a few. A single source of data built on an open data model creates tremendous value for our customers.”
E8 Security and Securonix, two industry leading cybersecurity solution providers, have entered into OEM relationships with Cloudera to leverage the power of Cloudera’s enterprise data hub built on Apache Hadoop to deliver advanced threat detection capabilities, secure petabytes of sensitive information, and protect against modern cyber attacks.
“By extracting actionable intelligence from evolving security data, E8 Security and Cloudera are empowering enterprise security teams to make more informed moves against hidden threats for faster resolutions,” said Matt Rodgers, Head of Product at E8 Security. “Together, we are taking a distinct approach in the way security analysts detect and protect against unknown threats at never before seen scale. It is a game changer for saving enterprises from harmful threats and keeping businesses running efficiently.”
Cloudera delivers the modern data management and analytics platform built on Apache Hadoop and the latest open source technologies. Cloudera Enterprise, enables customers to efficiently capture, store, process and analyze vast amounts of data, empowering them to use advanced analytics to drive business decisions quickly, flexibly and at lower cost than has been possible before.
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