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Metastorm BPM is a Business Process Management (BPM) systems platform for automating people-intensive administrative and management processes.It is a flexible production-strength BPM system, supporting a very large number of processes, users, and transactions.
Business Process Management Software
Ease of creating and changing the process Enforcing business rules Escalating and alerting Exceptions handling Imposing process structure Ensuring appropriate authority to carry out activities Integration of people, systems and processes Automation of manual activities Measurements and reporting Activities tracking and audit trails Remote access and extensibility
Proprietary Software
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Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
Metastorm BPM
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Metastorm BPM architecture is shown in the chart below. The engine runs on a Windows Server platform, and requires either SQL Server or Oracle as an underlying database.
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Metastorm BPM is a Business Process Management (BPM) systems platform for automating people-intensive administrative and management processes. It is a flexible production-strength BPM system, supporting a very large number of processes, users, and transactions. It can access data from any ODBC data source, make use of external forms, integrate at an API level with a number of document management systems, and exchange mail with most email clients.
More importantly it can easily integrate all these systems via one simple user interface, then present that interface to the user in either Internet Explorer or MS Outlook. With Metastorm’s Watch List, managers can also continuously monitor events in their business units and intervene when necessary in any process, at any time. Metastorm BPM forms are created using the designer.
Forms are re-usable across steps and processes. Once designed, a Metastorm BPM form can be displayed through any client (Outlook, Explorer or GroupWise). Users can mix and match clients and the forms are built once. For flexibility, external forms can also be used and intermixed with Metastorm BPM forms in one process before being linked directly to the Metastorm BPM engine.
Metastorm BPM is a fully featured, easy-to-use designer that allows its users to define their procedures by visualising them as a graphical map, then adding the detail behind each stage and action using a wizard. Furthermore, the platform uses a state transition diagram to describe the process flow. This means that actions can be directly mapped, rather than being hidden in event condition tables and action buttons can be automatically generated on Metastorm BPM forms.
Visualize procedures by visualizing them as a graphical map, then adding the detail behind each stage and action using a Wizard.
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Small (<50)
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Ease of use8.2
The integration facilities enable users access data from any ODBC data source, make use of external forms, and integrate at an API level with a number of document management systems.
Features & Functionality8.3
Advanced Features8.1
Training 8.2
Customer Support8.2
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The forms created by the designer are re-usable across steps and processes. The process maps use a state transition diagram that enables users describes the process flow. This means that the actions can be directly mapped, rather than being hidden in event condition tables, and action buttons cab be automatically generated.
Visualize procedures by visualizing them as a graphical map, then adding the detail behind each stage and action using a Wizard.
Small (<50)
IT Support
The integration facilities enable users access data from any ODBC data source, make use of external forms, and integrate at an API level with a number of document management systems.
The forms created by the designer are re-usable across steps and processes. The process maps use a state transition diagram that enables users describes the process flow. This means that the actions can be directly mapped, rather than being hidden in event condition tables, and action buttons cab be automatically generated.