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Business Intelligence
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InetSoft’s Data Intelligence Platform : HTML5 and Apache Spark’s Hadoop
InetSoft’s Data Intelligence Platform : HTML5 and Apache Spark’s Hadoop
InetSoft data intelligence platform, Style Intelligence, and its sub products, Style Scope and Style Report is offering full maturation of the HTML5 technology for browser-client access to match what previously was only possible with a Flash plug-in. The second is to fully integrate Apache Spark's Hadoop technology as the foundation for big data usage.Because the HTML5 client has advanced to full capabilities of interactivity and visual fidelity, the native apps for Apple iOS and Android have been retired. This server-side driven solution makes mobile BI roll-outs extremely easier and reduces end-user support significantly with no downloads or updates required any longer. This advance also expands access capabilities for Mac users. And lastly, it meets the requirements of organizations who have prohibited Flash plug-ins for end-users. The adoption of Apache Spark/Hadoop as InetSoft's big data infrastructure updates the method of scaling up for larger data sets, regardless of data source, and larger user populations from a proprietary clustering implementation to the very popular open standards based one developed by Spark. This means the application's versatile analytics engine is built to scale from a stand-alone server to a limitless big data cluster. Administrators have the option of installing a built-in, dedicated Spark/Hadoop cluster or pointing to an existing shared cluster. This open standards-based agile architecture allows organizations to grow into big data gradually as data volume and complexity increases. InetSoft's advanced visual analytic engine will automatically configure and manage big data cluster according to user defined visual analytics. This dramatically reduces the big data skills required to deliver big data's power into users' hands.
"This is an exciting release because it further lowers the TCO of our solution and widens the end-user adoption possibilities," comments Mark Flaherty, CMO at InetSoft. "Getting end-user support cost savings by upgrading a version should be very welcome news for our installed base. In term of the Spark technology move, this is compelling not only because of its attractiveness to organizations who already use Spark, but because organizations with "small data" environments now have such as an easy path to growing into big data ones as their own datasets grow organically in size. Not only do they not have to worry about outgrowing a solution, but they don't have to worry about later spending on new expertise and tools to accommodate their growth."
InetSoft's Style Intelligence is a data intelligence platform. At its foundation is a powerful data mashup engine that enables fast and flexible transformation of data from disparate sources, which can either supplement or obviate a data warehouse solution. At the development level, a unified interface allows for easy and advanced data manipulation and design of interactive dashboards, visual analyses, and published reporting. At the consumption level, self-service is maximized for a range of users, from casual business or consumer-type browsers to power users and data scientists. As a cloud-ready, fully scalable enterprise-grade platform with granular security, multi-tenancy support, and multiple integration points, it serves both enterprises and solution providers. In either environment, ease of deployment and ease of use are chief development principles that help lower the time investment and total cost of ownership - and make the solution attractive to organizations of any size, with or without BI expertise.
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