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IdeaGlow is a cloud-based idea management tool that enables users to gather and manage ideas from employees, customers, and others securely, over the web.
•Identify Popular Ideas •Collaborate to Flesh Out Ideas •Engage Users •Evaluate to Find the Best Ideas •Web-based Software •Social Integration •Export Ideas •Multiple Voting Styles
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IdeaGlow is a cloud software enabling businesses to engage and explore valuable ideas with employee and customer collaboration.
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IdeaGlow is a cloud-based idea management tool that enables users to gather and manage ideas from employees, customers, and others securely, over the web. The software is designed to grow revenues, reduce costs, improve processes, increase employee engagement and achieve higher customer satisfaction.
IdeaGlow offers a branded website for collaborating on ideas with a user community to maximize user engagement, using best practices from social networking and social games. The software is formulated to innovate for specific business needs on a timeline, create and launch idea challenges focused on the crucial objectives of an organization.
The user community can be invited to contribute and submit ideas to find solutions for challenges that may occur. Users can submit ideas in response to an idea challenge using a single platform over the web applying rich text, images, and attachments to communicate concepts effectively.
The community can vote on ideas they prefer with the option to select from multiple voting styles and assign different criteria to different user groups. IdeaGlow provides a platform for users to collaborate and flesh out ideas through discussions, likes, follows and social features whilst utilizing rich text, images, and attachments.
The SmartRewards system is crafted to reward users with virtual prizes such as badges & points, maintaining engagement and increasing activity, leading to more ideas and collaboration. Identify popular ideas that receive the most votes which are driven by the collective desires of the user community, giving a broader analysis of concepts. Users can act on the best ideas by exporting perspectives into project management, product development, or other tools.
Offers you a rare combination of Ease of Use, Enterprise Quality, and Affordable Pricing.
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Enterprise (>1001)
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Ease of use8.4
Features & Functionality8.4
You can fully customize IdeaGlow right from your web browser. It is 100% cloud-native, built from the ground up to be a secure, scalable, cloud-based tool.
Advanced Features8.7
Training 8.9
Customer Support8.9
Renew & Recommend8
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Companies of all sizes (from Fortune-500 companies to growing startups) use IdeaGlow every day to manage ideas from their employees, customers, and others. IdeaGlow delivers tangible business results. Use it to: grow your revenues, reduce your costs, improve your processes, increase employee engagement, and achieve higher customer satisfaction…
Offers you a rare combination of Ease of Use, Enterprise Quality, and Affordable Pricing.
Enterprise (>1001)
You can fully customize IdeaGlow right from your web browser. It is 100% cloud-native, built from the ground up to be a secure, scalable, cloud-based tool.
Companies of all sizes (from Fortune-500 companies to growing startups) use IdeaGlow every day to manage ideas from their employees, customers, and others. IdeaGlow delivers tangible business results. Use it to: grow your revenues, reduce your costs, improve your processes, increase employee engagement, and achieve higher customer satisfaction…