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HPE Security ArcSight User Behavior Analytics (UBA) enables security analysts to minimize the risk and impact of cyberattacks in real time. Instead of solely focusing on events and log data, HPE ArcSight UBA detects unknown threats through purpose-built security analytics by creating a baseline of normal user and entity behavior and identifying anomalies associated with users and entities as they occur.
User and Entity Behavior Analytics
Detect threats Score risk Make use behavioral analytics and purpose built techniques to detect threats Detect both user and entity based risks
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Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
HPE Security ArcSight
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HPE ArcSight UBA enables detection of advanced user- and entity-based threats, and when used in conjunction with the installation of HPE Security ArcSight SIEM, can leverage the same operational teams, data feeds, and incident response processes already in place. This in turn drives investigation efficiency and operational savings.
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HPE Security ArcSight User Behavior Analytics (UBA) enables security analysts to minimize the risk and impact of cyberattacks in real time. Instead of solely focusing on events and log data, HPE ArcSight UBA detects unknown threats through purpose-built security analytics by creating a baseline of normal user and entity behavior and identifying anomalies associated with users and entities as they occur.
HPE ArcSight UBA enables detection of advanced user- and entity-based threats, and when used in conjunction with the installation of HPE Security ArcSight SIEM, can leverage the same operational teams, data feeds, and incident response processes already in place. This in turn drives investigation efficiency and operational savings.HPE Security ArcSight Analyses data in the real time to look for threats and risks.
The software develops a baseline of normal behavior and entities. Through this the software is able to detect changes in behavior that might signal risks and threats. The software identifies anomalies. The software makes used of behavioral analytics to detect threats and to stop them before damages occur. The software with the help of purpose built analytics can develop baselines and identify anomalies. The software is capable of detect both user based and entity based threats and risks.
The software is capable of identifying advanced threats and risks using behavioral and entity based analytics. The software is capable of creating alerts for security analysts about any abnormal behavior that might create threat for the company. The software signal threats before it is too late. The software is proactive in threat detection. The software assign scores to risk. The software detects real threat effectively and efficiently and allow sound decision making. The software enables users to access threat library to increase their understanding and awareness about threat’s and risks. The software allows threats and risks to resolved timely with the help of purpose built analytics techniques.
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