How to Select the Best SAP SuccessFactors Partner

Businesses require many resources to carry out their everyday operations of providing goods or services for their customers. From financial to information to material resources, it is important to combine all of these resources into the production of goods or services.
However, the resource that combines all other resources is the human resource. This makes humans the most important assets to any business. Companies have realized this and are always looking for ways to better manage their human capital.
The Human Resource department is critical to any business as it is in charge of the management and combination of human talent to achieve business objectives. There is an increasing need to leverage on technological innovations to improve human resource operations and make businesses better. There are many technological solutions that offer HR solutions, however one that has stood the test of time is the SAP Success Factors solution.
This innovative technological solution helps with the core Human capital management processes, helping companies bring out the best from their human talent. It does not just stop there as it also performs other functions like recruitment and onboarding, performance evaluation, amongst others. Given the success of this platform, it might be tempting to jump on the SAP success factors solution right away.
However, it is not advised as you need to select the right SAP success factors partner. Your partner is critical to the success of your SAP Success Factor solutions deployment in your business. Below instructions help you with the insight you need in the selection of the best SAP Success Factors Solutions for you.
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What are SAP SuccessFactors Solutions?

What are SAP SuccessFactors Solutions
- Learning and Development: Every company wants their talent to grow in order to add more value to the business. SAP Success Factors can help this by providing personalized learning paths, inspiring learning and reducing the risk of compliance.
- Core HCM Tasks and Payroll Management: SAP Success Factors offers solutions to the core Human capital management tasks. This technological solution helps design, define and execute strategies concerning your human capital, helping you achieve more. The management of payroll is important to any HR department, and SAP Success Factors handles this well.
- Attendance and Time Management: The recording of attendance and management of time can easily be automated with SAP Success Factors. There is also the provision of real time insights to the HR department helping them swing to action quickly if need be.
- Recruitment and Onboarding: Recruitment is probably the toughest part of human resources. However, SAP Success Factors simplifies and eases this operation by providing innovative solutions that manages applicants, job distribution and analytics. Onboarding of new staff can also be performed by SAP Success Factors. From handling paperwork to cross boarding of internal transfers, SAP Success Factors handles them all. The cost of recruitment and onboarding can be reduced significantly with the use of this solution.
- HR for SMB: Not every business needs advanced HR solutions. SAP Success Factors understands this and has special offers for small and medium sized businesses.
- Workforce planning and Analytics: With SAP Success Factors, you can plan your workforce and get insight into the talent need of the company at that point in time.
- Cross Suite Solutions: It is becoming increasingly important to have a global workforce. SAP Success Factors is aware of this and provides options for you to tap into the global pool of talent, ensuring diversity and inclusion.
- Performance and Compensation: The performance and compensation of talent is a very important part of human resources. SAP Success Factors can help you measure the performance of staff and reveal areas that can be improved upon. The adequate compensation of staff can also be done seamlessly with this innovative solution.
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How to Select the Right SAP SuccessFactors Implementation Partner?
All the benefits that can be gotten from SAP Success Factors Partner can easily go to dust if you do not select the right partner for your business in the first place. In fact, Your SAP Success Factors partner is a huge success factor for deployment.
There are several things you need to consider when looking to select an SAP Success Factors partner for your business, however many people do not know these. With several partners out there, it is becoming increasingly difficult to select one. If people knew the elements to consider than they would be able to select the best ones that suit their needs. These elements are highlighted and explained below:

How to Select the Right SAP SuccessFactors Implementation Partner
- Similar Implementation Experience: In business, experience is everything. This is no different in your search for an SAP Success Factors partner. It is great to select a partner that has solid experience implementing the kind of project or module you want to implement. This means such a SAP Success Factors partner will understand the various challenges and bottlenecks that may be encountered in the implementation process.
- Clients Reference: An assured reference from a client should always be considered when you are looking to select an SAP Success Factors partner. If everyone knows everyone and is willing to work together, then there reduces a risk of possible friction between parties. Your client will obviously not recommend someone they are not on good terms with. Hence, client reference should be greatly considered.
- Global experience, presence and resources: A SAP Success Factors partner with global reach and presence is critical to the success of your implementation. Such a partner would have garnered experience working across various industries and geographical locations. They would understand what every business wants and what is required from every business. This will guide them in providing relevant and personalized advice as regards your SAP Success Factors implementation process. So, if you are looking to select an SAP Success Factors partner, then it is best to select one that has wide global experience, reach and resources.
- Type of Deployment: This is another relevant thing to consider when looking to select the best SAP Success Factors partner for you. Some Human resource departments are interested in just some modules or areas of implementation. If you belong here, then you will be looking to choose an SAP Success Factors partner that understands this and can deploy separate modules successfully. However, some other businesses will like their HR departments to have complete implementation of all SAP Success Factors modules. Your SAP Success Factors partner needs to understand this and act accordingly. It is important to select an SAP Success Factors partner that has experience and a track record of successfully performing the type of deployment you want.
- Size of Business: The size of your business, staff and HR department should be considered when you are looking to choose a SAP Success Factors partner. If you have a large staff, then you need to get an SAP Success Factors partner that can deploy for a large number of staff. The last thing you want is an SAP Success Factors partner that is used to small sized businesses handling a multinational HR team. Several intrinsic measures might not be understood and taken by this partner, and this could cost you in the long run. Hence, if you are a large multinational business with constantly liaising HR departments, then you need to select an SAP Success Factors partner that understands this. However, if you are a small or medium sized business, then you should get an SAP Success Factors partner that works well for you, as well as saves you cost of multinational deployment.
- Technical Expertise: The technical expertise of your SAP Success Factors partner should be considered when you are looking to select one. You definitely do not want a partner that does not possess the right technical know-how and skills in deploying solutions. This could lead to having downtimes and reducing the productivity of your Human resource department. Hence, it is critical that you get an SAP Success Factors partner that has solid technical expertise in implementing secure, accurate and robust solutions for your business.
- Cultural Fit: The deployment of SAP Success Factors solutions is not a day’s job. This means that your staff will be in constant communication with your SAP Success Factors partner all through the deployment stage and even after for maintenance. Hence, it is important that you select an SAP Success Factors partner that has fits well into your company culture. This will ensure coherence between your staff and your partner, leading in successful deployment.
- Cost: The cost of implementation or deployment is a key factor in the choice of a SAP Success Factors partner. You should look for SAP Success Factors partners that understand where your business is and charge you accordingly. Partners that offer discounts should be given preference over the ones that do not offer discounts. However, it is important that you do not compromise on performance because of cost reduction.
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What are SAP SuccessFactors Software?
SAP SuccessFactors Software includes Learning and Development, Core HCM Tasks and Payroll Management, Attendance and Time Management, Recruitment and Onboarding, HR for SMB, Workforce planning and Analytics, Cross Suite Solutions, and Performance and Compensation.
How to Select the Right SAP SuccessFactors Implementation Partner?
There are several things you need to consider when looking to select an SAP Success Factors partner for your business, however many people do not know these. With several partners out there, it is becoming increasingly difficult to select one. These factors include Similar Implementation Experience, Clients Reference, Global experience, presence and resources, Type of Deployment, Size of Business, Technical Expertise, Cultural Fit and Cost.
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