How to create a Business Blueprint for Performance Management

The project scopes for performance management processes include performance appraisals and multi-feedback process. Performance appraisal process includes objective setting, interim reviews and final review sub-processes which include discussions between employee and manager. Multi-feedback process allows managers to get additional feedback on the employee’s performance and aids in the final rating assessment.
The performance appraisal process starts with objective setting wherein the employee and manager decide on the objectives for the current year. In the interim review phase, the objectives are reviewed and changes if any, are entered in the appraisal form. Both the managers and employees would also have the ability to enter comments/ratings in the appraisal form. In the final review process, employee complete their self-assessment (optional step), managers initiate the multi-feedback process (optional step) and upon receiving the multi-feedback decide on the final ratings. Thereafter a discussion is held between the manager and employee and the appraisal form is signed off by the employee and the manager.
What are the Requirements in managing Performance Management?

What are the Requirements in managing Performance Management
- Ability for the manager or the employee to save the entries in the form as draft.
- Ability to add/delete objectives while the form is still being accessed throughout the year.
- During the final review, the objectives cannot be changed either by employee or manager.
- Ability to copy over the common objectives and corresponding weights entered by the manager for all the direct reporting employees.
- The list of success factors and its detailed description differs according to whether the appraisee (employee) is a manager or not. Depending on the job type of the employee, corresponding success factors and its description needs to be displayed.
- Emails are to be sent to the manager or employee based on different buttons which are clicked during different form status.
- Additional links to be provided on the form as buttons. These include Multi-feedback form, Last year’s appraisal form and Succession planning form.
- Manager comments/ratings to be displayed to employee only when the manager explicitly checks the box in the form. Also the checkbox should be checked when the manager sends the form to employee for sign-off.
- The sign-off criteria should not be available for input to the employee and the manager during the initial phases of the appraisal. (objective setting and review phase). The criteria should be available only when the manager sends the form to the employee for sign-off.
- The manager shall have the ability to change the appraiser in the form. This shall be used in case manager changes position and wishes to assign a new manager to the appraisal form. After the manager assignment has been changed in the form, the appraisal form will then appear in the pending document list of the new manager.
- There should be only one appraisal form for an employee for an appraisal year. However if one form is closed out as a part-year appraisal due to change of position of employee then a new appraisal can be created for the employee.
- The feedback provider selected can belong to any department and may not be direct reports of the manager. Manager should have access to select these employees as feedback providers
- Manager should be able to add feedback providers to the form after the initial list of employees have given their feedback.
- The list of success factors and its detailed description differs according to whether the appraisee (employee) is a manager or not. Depending on the job type of the employee, corresponding success factors and its description needs to be displayed.
The Performance Management Cycle

The Performance Management Cycle
- First Step: Objective Setting Process
- Second Step: Interim Review Process
- Third Step: Final Review Process
1. First Step: Objective Setting Process- Manager drafts common objectives
Manager may have same objectives for all the directly reporting employees. In such a case, manager creates a separate form and input the common objectives. This form then acts as a template and when the manager creates the performance appraisal form for an employee, the common objectives and corresponding weights are copied over.
There might be cases where manager has different sets of common objectives for different groups of employees. In such a scenario, manager shall input the common objectives for one set of people and create their performance appraisals (whereby the objectives would be copied to the performance appraisal form). For the next set of common objectives, manager shall access the template form, modify the objectives and create performance appraisals for the next set of employees.

Performance Management Cycle
2. Second Step: Interim Review Process
After the Objective Setting phase is complete, additional columns for employee and manager’s comments are available in the form. These columns would allow employee and manager to record their comments against the objectives and provide ratings.
In case of an interim review, Manager clicks on button “Start Interim Review”. This changes the status of the appraisal form to “In Review” wherein manager can then create/delete or modify objectives and change associated weightings. The manager can also record the comments against each objective as well as provide ratings.
These shall be provided in a separate column on the appraisal form. Only Manager shall have change access to this column. The same column will be used by the manager to record the final ratings and comments during the final review. The manager shall have a checkbox in the form which if checked then the manager’s comments/ratings would be displayed to the employee.
Employee can access the current year’s appraisal form in ESS and reviews objectives. Employee can record self-assessment against the objectives and provide comments in a separate column. Employee’s comments shall be changeable only by the employee and would be in display mode for manager. Employee shall use the same column to record their final self assessment comments/ratings during the final review.
Manager clicks on the button “Review Phase Complete” which moves the appraisal form back to a status wherein the objectives and weights are in display mode. Manager has the discretion to start another interim review or start the final review process from this status.
3. Third Step: Final Review Process
If manager requires a self-assessment to be filled up by the employee, manager clicks on button “Send to Employee for Self-Assessment”. This sends an email asking the employee to access the form and give comments. Completion of self-assessment is an optional step. Further manager need not wait for the employee to complete self-assessment, as the manager would have the capability to access the form and provide the final ratings and comments.
Employee upon receiving the email from the system shall access the form in ESS and provide comments. The employee comments cannot be changed by the manager. Upon completion, employee clicks on button “Complete Self Assessment” which sends an email to the manager. The email shall inform the manager that the employee has completed self-assessment.
Manager provides individual ratings and comments for each of the objectives and success factors. The system shall calculate weighted average for the objectives and success factors and an overall rating. There shall be an additional column for final ratings. Manager shall then manually enter the ratings (whole numbers) for Overall rating.
The objective of having calculated ratings is to provide a guideline to the manager for the final rating. The manager shall also have a text box available for the overall result to provide comments regarding his decision on the overall rating. In case it’s a part-year review where the employee position has changed, a checkbox would be available in the form.
Integration Considerations for for Performance Management
Integration requirements with reference to the following components are generally considered.
a. Compensation Management –Spreadsheets were used to manually record appraisal data which is then integrated with the compensation system. With the new performance management system, reports would be run for employees with appraisal data. The report data would be exported to spreadsheet and then used to integrate with the Compensation Administration system.
b. Employee Development Plan – Employee development plan is used by employees and managers to record the development plan items for the employee.
c. Succession Planning – Succession planning component is used by HR to identify potential successors for certain key positions. Towards identification of suitable candidates, employee attributes are gathered from mangers either informally or through use of a custom built system for a certain section of employees. Going forward, some succession planning data would be gathered as part of performance appraisal process. Reports can then be executed by HR to consolidate this data.
What is performance management process?
The project scopes for performance management processes include performance appraisals and multi-feedback process. Performance appraisal process includes objective setting, interim reviews and final review sub-processes which include discussions between employee and manager.
What is performance appraisal process?
The performance appraisal process starts with objective setting wherein the employee and manager decide on the objectives for the current year. In the interim review phase, the objectives are reviewed and changes if any, are entered in the appraisal form. Both the managers and employees would also have the ability to enter comments/ratings in the appraisal form. In the final review process, employee complete their self-assessment (optional step), managers initiate the multi-feedback process (optional step) and upon receiving the multi-feedback decide on the final ratings.
What are the steps in The Performance Management Cycle?
The steps in The Performance Management Cycle includes First Step: Objective Setting Process, Second Step: Interim Review Process and Third Step: Final Review Process.
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