

Oracle Marketing Cloud

Oracle Data Mining

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Analytics, Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Text Analytics, Emerging Technology Conferences and Webinars.

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Oracle: Live Marketing Automation Demo


Today's sales organisations are faced with more empowered, always-connected, always-on buyers. They face longer self-directed sales processes where the customer will decide when and how they engage with your sales organisation. Marketing has become the steward of the self-directed buying process. Only Marketing Automation can deliver actionable sales intelligence that helps Sales better understand their […]


More Information on Predictive Analysis Process

Predictive Analytics Process Flow

For more information of predictive analytics process, please review the overview of each components in the predictive analytics process: data collection (data mining), data analysis, statistical analysis, predictive modeling and predictive model deployment.

Top predictive analytics software and Top predictive analytics open source software.

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