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Teleflora's floral point-of-sale system, Dove POS™, is the industry's most affordable and flexible POS solution for florist shops. Dove POS is easy to use and scalable, so it can be customized for shop's individual needs.
Florist Software
• Report and confirmation email module • Delivery Manager: Sends a free Dove Network® message to the sending shop for incoming wire orders • Order entry: Florist, Product & Facilities lookup • Ticket entry: Provides quick on-screen access to customer history, average purchases, balances • Simple close of day and billing procedures • Employee permissions-based security
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Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
Dove POS
What is best?
• Order entry: Florist, Product & Facilities lookup • Ticket entry: Provides quick on-screen access to customer history, average purchases, balances • Simple close of day and billing procedures • Employee permissions-based security
What are the benefits?
• Multi-store: All customer data and order history is stored and accessible at all branch locations • Flexible: Orders can be sent and received 24 hours a day • Automatic integration: There's no need to rekey orders • Mobile: Place and track orders from anywhere on tablet or smartphone
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Dove POS, the florist point of sale system, is designed to maximize floral shop's efficiency and profitability.
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Teleflora's floral point-of-sale system, Dove POS™, is the industry's most affordable and flexible POS solution for florist shops. Dove POS is easy to use and scalable, so it can be customized for shop's individual needs. It should come as no surprise that Dove POS is #1 with florists. Analyzing sales and purchasing, trackig orders and accounts, reconciling orders, managing deliveries and handling billing have never been easier. With a Dove POS system, users can do all of that and more — automatically. Dove POS is built on the Microsoft.NET framework, meaning it's easy to use and scalable to any size shop. Dove POS integrates with other Teleflora services (Dove, credit card and eFlorist). The Delivery Manager Module interfaces with Garmin GPS devices giving users the ability to transfer delivery routes directly into a GPS device, making deliveries easier for a driver. Dove POS has added a quick link to the eflorist website. This new functionality will make it easy to find bouquets and products while on the phone with customers, allowing users to improve customer service. The Dove POS application does not require users to have administrative privileges in order to run. Dove POS strongly supports the growth of local member florists through a wide variety of resources, products, and services that complement and improve upon flower shops and the quality of service users offer their customers.
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