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DiscoverText combines flexible and adaptive software algorithms with human-based coding to provide a framework for conducting accurate and reliable large-scale analyses.
Text Analytics Software, Text Categorization Software
•Schedule repeat fetches of live feeds via API •Classification via manual training and automation •Filter by metadata and threshold classification •Redact and annotate sensitive information •Code documents with ease alone or in groups •Attach memos to documents, datasets and archives •Connect and work with peers via your browser •Measure inter-rater reliability and validate results •Generate high-level summary and detailed reports •Remove duplicates to limit time and effort
• Professional - $99/month • Enterprise - $2000/month
Free Trial
Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1000 employees)
•Attach memos to documents, datasets and archives •Connect and work with peers via your browser •Measure inter-rater reliability and validate results •Generate high-level summary and detailed reports •Remove duplicates to limit time and effort
What are the benefits?
• Create powerful search and grouping capabilities • Increase coder accuracy • Easily measure inter-coder reliability for accurate analysis • Generate reports in RTF,CSV,PDF or XML format • Adjudicate valid and invalid decisions
PAT Rating™
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Bottom Line
DiscoverText, users can capture, filter, de-duplicate, cluster, search, human code, and machine-classify large numbers of small, unstructured units of text.
Editor Rating
Aggregated User Rating
51 ratings
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DiscoverText combines flexible and adaptive software algorithms with human-based coding to provide a framework for conducting accurate and reliable large-scale analyses. The software has the capability to merge data from various sources, such as text files, email, open-ended answers on surveys, and online sources including Facebook, Google+, blogs, Tumblr, Disqus, and Twitter. This ability to pull text from diverse sources combines information and associated structured metadata from multiple and unique information channels.
DiscoverText, users can capture, filter, de-duplicate, cluster, search, human code, and machine-classify large numbers of small, unstructured units of text. The approach mixes human and computer training in an elegant and powerful loop and provide a framework for users who build their own specialized text analytic approach.
DiscoverText is rooted in the emerging science of human annotation. The platform depends on accurate and reliable human input.
Enables nearing of duplicates and highlighting unique text
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
End User
User Industry
Ease of use8.3
Features & Functionality8.2
Advanced Features8.4
Training 8.2
Customer Support8.2
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DiscoverText features the text analytics of various pillars. Schedule being one of the features facilitates repeating of fetching of live feeds via API. DiscoverText also features cluster which enables nearing of duplicates and highlighting unique text. Classification is also another feature of DiscoverText. It facilitates the manual training and also enables automation. Filter, being another feature of DiscoverText enables the classification of metadata and threshold. Redact is also a feature of DiscoverText. Redact facilitates the annotation of very sensitive information. Code, which is also one of the features, enables documentation with ease either alone or in groups. Connect is another one of the DiscoverText’s features which facilitates working with peers via your browser. Adding on to the list of features of DiscoverText is measure. It facilitates the efficiency and reliability of inter-rater and hence enables validation of results. Generate is also another feature of DiscoverText. It enables a high-level summary and very detailed report as well. Bucket enables filtration of documents and searching results.
Easy coding of textual data. Great for human coders.
Features & Functionality8.8
Advanced Features8.6
Can import from a variety of data sources, including text files, Excel spreadsheets, and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and others.
Customer Support9.4
Support is available by email and a searchable knowledgebase.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION As an independent consultant, I have had the opportunity to participate in studies that involve analyzing textual data.
The first was to examine customer feedback collected from a popular travel/hotel review website. Before DiscoverText, we used spreadsheets to tally and process the data, which was very cumbersome because it involved lots of horizontal scrolling across the spreadsheet’s columns to enter customer’s sentiments about the hotel.
I then learned about DiscoverText, and realized that the same exercise could probably have been accomplished in half the time. Coding can be designed so that the coders merely have to select a number (e.g., 1 through 5) or select from a list of predefined sentiments (e.g., hotel was clean, staff was friendly, A/C didn’t work).
Since then I have coded with DiscoverText on several projects, including an employee satisfaction survey, attendee’s comments about a local music festival, and tweets about a manufacturer of clothing and accessories.
It’s the perfect tool if you want to work with Twitter data.
Customer Support9
There’s a knowledge database, and CS is easily available via email.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I’ve been using DiscoverText for over 5 years for analyzing customer data. It is a great tool for working with several coders working with the same data. You can share the same set of codes among coders – and they all can work together to code the data – and you can also allow multiple coders to create and manage the codes (depending on your coding needs). This is especially useful for managing large databases. Working with several coders makes it fast and easy to code a dataset, without having to “split” the task manually .
If you are working with Twitter data, you can use Sifter to get a slice of historical tweets. They will give you a estimate for the search you need and you can decide if you want to export the data to DiscoverText or not (and after exporting, it is easy to code using multiple coders as described). Overall, I would say this is a great analytics tool for working with customer data, and particularly with Twitter search data.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In addition to obvious corporate use, academic scholars should know about DiscoverText, particularly those interested in doing Twitter-based research. This platform is a fast and efficient way to get a finger on the pulse of social media response to many different kinds of questions.
The website can seem overwhelming at first, but after a brief overview it's logic and accessibility is apparent.
Features & Functionality10
Pretty accessible and in terms of group work, it is very easy to revise response categories with a coding team based at remote locations around the globe.
Advanced Features10
Very impressive capacity for coding vast amounts of textual data derived from social media platforms (e.g., Twitter).
Training 10
The website explains how to get the most out of each feature. And should you have any questions, customer support is prompt and thorough.
Customer Support10
Excellent customer support attuned to the needs of each individual client.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I highly recommend this service.
The power is in the machine coding functions of Discovertext - industry leading feature!
What are the benefits?
You can integrate data in a variety of source formats and from various platforms.
Company size
Medium (50 to 1000)
User Role
End User
User Industry
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The ability to code your data right in your dataset is amazing. You can add coders right into the dataset – this function is not offered by other software.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If you need a software that will enable you to code large corpora, Discover Text gets the job done. Moreover, if you’re working on a project that uses public commentary for e-rulemaking this particular software is especially designed for this.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Used DiscoverText to collect hundreds of thousands of datum for my master’s degree. Will likely use again for doctoral research data.
Brilliant cloud-based software tool with powerful text analytics with social media integration
What is best?
It's ease of use, and social media integration. I also like that I can check the quality of the machine learning and adjust it to ensure the highest accuracy.
What are the benefits?
A key benefit for me is that DiscoverText is not limited to academic uses. This is because it has a number of neat uses in the commercial world. A useful feature for commercial uses is the ability to retrieve and/or import data from Twitter and identify influential Twitter users with the additional ability to use machine learning to sift influential users into different groups. For example, a sports club may be interested to find out whether influential users are fans of the club or whether it is opposition fans causing a storm. To the best of my knowledge, no other tool is capable of doing this with this level of accuracy.
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
End User
User Industry
Mass media
Ease of use10
One of the key strengthens is that it can be used by those who may not have advance technical skills. Therefore it is easy to use and there are a number of written tutorials as well as online guides. The customer support is also great - I've received replies to my queries very quickly.
Features & Functionality10
It packs a number of awesome features. The ability to pull in social media data on a number of platforms and to quickly be able to analyse the it using a range of features such as the ability to identify duplicate and near-duplicate clusters. I am yet to see a viable affordable competitor.
Advanced Features10
There are a number of nice machine learning features such as active learning. These can be useful for sifting out relevant and non-relevant content.
There is the ability to import data from other file formats and also export to a number of different formats including a format supported by NodeXL
I have added large datasets into DiscoverText and it has handled them with no problem.
Training 10
There are a number of great training videos and tutorials online. I have also found that the support team are happy to chat if there are specific needs.
Customer Support10
The customer support is excellent. I have had queries addressed via email and on Twitter.
Renew & Recommend10
DiscoverText is a really great cloud-based text-analytics tool. It has provided social scientists with the ability to perform powerful data science. For example, a popular aspect of DiscoverText is that it allows the ability to import and/or retrieve social media data, including historical data from Twitter, and analyse the data in order to answer research questions. One of the key challenges for social science researchers is that certain tools may require a computer science background, however, due to the ease of use of DiscoverText it has been used in answering important social science questions. Year on year DiscoverText has been growing in popularity. I can certainly conclude that this is a software to watch.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Overall, I’d say I highly recommend this tool to both academics and those within industry. It packs a number of great features which can be utilised across departments in organisation e.g., communications, HR to name a few. The vast number of scholarly citations it has received is a testament to its brilliance.
great tool for social media data collection and analysis
What is best?
user-friendly interface, ease of use, readability of the results, low charge of social media data collection compared to other services, quick customer services
What are the benefits?
Very excellent for researchers in both academia and industry. It's not for english texts only, it's also capable of other languages.
Company size
Enterprise (>1001)
User Role
End User
User Industry
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DT has helped me to finish analysis for many research subjects in various ways, and I’d recommend it to people who want to perform textual analysis with the expectation of easy coding and high quality.
DiscoverText is a great tool for collecting, sorting, and analyzing data.
What is best?
Coding, Machine Learning
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
User Industry
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Overall, I’ve had a great experience using DiscoverText for both in-class and client research projects. I will continue to use the platform for future research projects, especially the coding and machine-classification functionalities!
Excellent platform for social media coding and analysis
What is best?
Easy and fast to use. Coding options are very convenient, which helps a great deal in analysis of big data. It is also easy to get multiple people working independently or collectively on a single project.
User Role
User Industry
Ease of use8.5
I had to do a bit of training initially to navigate the platform, but once you get the hang of it, it is quite easy and fast to work in.
Features & Functionality8.5
It loads and runs very fast on my PC, which is great. Other programs I have found have more lag, especially when dealing with large data sets.
Training 8.5
Training was relatively simple and easy to remember.
Renew & Recommend8.5
I would definitely recommend DiscoverText to my social science colleagues interested in coding large data sets of social media or other archival digital texts.
It aggregates many features that before required our team to movie data from one software program to another and then to another. It can calculate inter-rater reliability, and so many other types of analysis (mentioned above) within one program.
Company size
Enterprise (>1001)
User Role
Super User
User Industry
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I am happy to answer questions about DiscoverText.
Excellent, user-friendly tool for collection, managing and analyzing big data
What is best?
customer support, user-friendly interface,
Company size
Enterprise (>1001)
User Role
End User
User Industry
Ease of use9.1
Even if you have never worked with such a software before, it is easy to use.
Training 10
We received a training from DiscoverText to get started, which was very helpful! Moreover, there are many blog posts and videos about the main features of the software.
Customer Support10
Excellent! The team of DiscoverTexts respond very fast and is super helpful.
Renew & Recommend10
I would definitely recommend using DiscoverText for collecting, analyzing, and exporting big data.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Discovertext is a great software that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to collect and analyze big data. It is easy to use, even for people without prior knowledge and if you run into problems, the team helps to solve any issues.
Best solution for multi-coder analyis of social media text
What is best?
Ease of uploading data and downloading findings and findings' reports; deduplication tool; automated coding tool; trained sentiment coding set; annotation interface, ease of classifying and drilling into very large datasets
What are the benefits?
Removes the need for having an on-site developer when conducting social media text analysis; allows for the (relatively) quick coding of very large datasets and the control of coding quality when several coders are involved
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
Super User
User Industry
Ease of use9.3
Easy to navigate, set up archives/datasets and coding schemes even without watching the tutorials (though watching them will save you time and give you loads of tips)
Features & Functionality9.1
Many useful eatures and tools to classify and analyse your datat. Some of the best features for our projects have been the automated coding of large Twitter datasets, the adjudication/monitoring tools for ensuring quality of coding among several coders, and the deduplication feature (latter two only available forEnterprise accounts, which makes their cost prohibitive for smaller scale research projects)
Advanced Features9.6
See comment above
There is the occasional glitch with data processing but such minor glitches are always swiftly addressed by the developers. Considering we've often pushed the interface to its limits with the amount of datat we've uploaded, DT has overall proven a very stable tool.
Training 9.8
Customer Support10
We've used DT for various projects since 2013 and have lways had excellnt customer support.
Renew & Recommend10
Definitely recommend DT for social media text analysis, owrksgreat both ith structured and unstructured text (at some point we even successfully coded newspaper articles in various languages using DT, but the software shines through when i comes to processing Twitter, FB and other social media/online comments text.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION We have been using DT for research projects in the fields of political communication/Euroscepticism/poIiticaI crises. It was the only solution available when we started back in 2012- 2013 that allowed for direct import of social media data and subsequent coding by several coders sitting in different countries. Over the years we have tested other solutions for specific cornponents of social media analysis (eg for downloading and processing Twitter data, R for network mapping) but DT remans the only comprehensive solution for social media analysis that is provides a Wide range of features and is consistently reliable.
the speed and ease with which data can be processed
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
End User
User Industry
Ease of use9.4
its very intuitive and easy to handle
Features & Functionality9.5
it lets you code even big data sets in a short amount of time
Advanced Features9.8
the annotation tool is great, especially for the communication and development aspect within a team of researchers
runs fast and without any problems
Training 9.6
I was trained by people fairly familiar with the program, so my experience might not be representative. But I found the learning curve to be fairly steep.
Customer Support9.2
I only had an issue once, and it was fixed instantly.
Renew & Recommend9.5
I recommend it for projects with a not to extensive amount of coding options (up to ten maybe), regardless the data size
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION I recommend people just try it out for themselves.
Enables nearing of duplicates and highlighting unique text
Small (<50)
End User
DiscoverText features the text analytics of various pillars. Schedule being one of the features facilitates repeating of fetching of live feeds via API. DiscoverText also features cluster which enables nearing of duplicates and highlighting unique text. Classification is also another feature of DiscoverText. It facilitates the manual training and also enables automation. Filter, being another feature of DiscoverText enables the classification of metadata and threshold. Redact is also a feature of DiscoverText. Redact facilitates the annotation of very sensitive information. Code, which is also one of the features, enables documentation with ease either alone or in groups. Connect is another one of the DiscoverText’s features which facilitates working with peers via your browser. Adding on to the list of features of DiscoverText is measure. It facilitates the efficiency and reliability of inter-rater and hence enables validation of results. Generate is also another feature of DiscoverText. It enables a high-level summary and very detailed report as well. Bucket enables filtration of documents and searching results.
Great service
Classification feature
A lot of work can be done with little to no effort
Small (<50)
End User
Website could use a little work. It gets confusing while trying to navigate.
Amazing features and functionality
Great advanced features
I personally haven't used any integration functionality yet.
Good performance
They have a website which explains how to use most features.
Amazing customer support. No hold times no nothing. You call them and they're there.
Good implementation
Will most likely renew. Definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to work with twitter data.
Amazing service. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone who wants to work with twitter data.
Easier to code than using spreadsheets.
Small (<50)
End User
Easy coding of textual data. Great for human coders.
Can import from a variety of data sources, including text files, Excel spreadsheets, and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and others.
Support is available by email and a searchable knowledgebase.
As an independent consultant, I have had the opportunity to participate in studies that involve analyzing textual data.
The first was to examine customer feedback collected from a popular travel/hotel review website. Before DiscoverText, we used spreadsheets to tally and process the data, which was very cumbersome because it involved lots of horizontal scrolling across the spreadsheet’s columns to enter customer’s sentiments about the hotel.
I then learned about DiscoverText, and realized that the same exercise could probably have been accomplished in half the time. Coding can be designed so that the coders merely have to select a number (e.g., 1 through 5) or select from a list of predefined sentiments (e.g., hotel was clean, staff was friendly, A/C didn’t work).
Since then I have coded with DiscoverText on several projects, including an employee satisfaction survey, attendee’s comments about a local music festival, and tweets about a manufacturer of clothing and accessories.
Great flexibility
Small (<50)
End User
After initial training, it becomes easy to use.
It’s the perfect tool if you want to work with Twitter data.
There’s a knowledge database, and CS is easily available via email.
I’ve been using DiscoverText for over 5 years for analyzing customer data. It is a great tool for working with several coders working with the same data. You can share the same set of codes among coders – and they all can work together to code the data – and you can also allow multiple coders to create and manage the codes (depending on your coding needs). This is especially useful for managing large databases. Working with several coders makes it fast and easy to code a dataset, without having to “split” the task manually .
If you are working with Twitter data, you can use Sifter to get a slice of historical tweets. They will give you a estimate for the search you need and you can decide if you want to export the data to DiscoverText or not (and after exporting, it is easy to code using multiple coders as described). Overall, I would say this is a great analytics tool for working with customer data, and particularly with Twitter search data.
Great for large datasets
Medium (50 to 1000)
End User
In addition to obvious corporate use, academic scholars should know about DiscoverText, particularly those interested in doing Twitter-based research. This platform is a fast and efficient way to get a finger on the pulse of social media response to many different kinds of questions.
Excellent Service.
Small (<50)
End User
The website can seem overwhelming at first, but after a brief overview it's logic and accessibility is apparent.
Pretty accessible and in terms of group work, it is very easy to revise response categories with a coding team based at remote locations around the globe.
Very impressive capacity for coding vast amounts of textual data derived from social media platforms (e.g., Twitter).
The website explains how to get the most out of each feature. And should you have any questions, customer support is prompt and thorough.
Excellent customer support attuned to the needs of each individual client.
I highly recommend this service.
Powerful Software for Coding SM Datasets
The power is in the machine coding functions of Discovertext - industry leading feature!
You can integrate data in a variety of source formats and from various platforms.
Medium (50 to 1000)
End User
The ability to code your data right in your dataset is amazing. You can add coders right into the dataset – this function is not offered by other software.
Very good software tool for social media data collection
Data collection and export possibilities
Excellent software tool, highly recommended
Enterprise (>1001)
End User
Excellent software tool, highly recommended
Content Analyzing Large Corpora
Enterprise (>1001)
End User
If you need a software that will enable you to code large corpora, Discover Text gets the job done. Moreover, if you’re working on a project that uses public commentary for e-rulemaking this particular software is especially designed for this.
Used DiscoverText to collect hundreds of thousands of datum for my master’s degree. Will likely use again for doctoral research data.
Brilliant cloud-based software tool with powerful text analytics with social media integration
It's ease of use, and social media integration. I also like that I can check the quality of the machine learning and adjust it to ensure the highest accuracy.
A key benefit for me is that DiscoverText is not limited to academic uses. This is because it has a number of neat uses in the commercial world. A useful feature for commercial uses is the ability to retrieve and/or import data from Twitter and identify influential Twitter users with the additional ability to use machine learning to sift influential users into different groups. For example, a sports club may be interested to find out whether influential users are fans of the club or whether it is opposition fans causing a storm. To the best of my knowledge, no other tool is capable of doing this with this level of accuracy.
Small (<50)
End User
Mass media
One of the key strengthens is that it can be used by those who may not have advance technical skills. Therefore it is easy to use and there are a number of written tutorials as well as online guides. The customer support is also great - I've received replies to my queries very quickly.
It packs a number of awesome features. The ability to pull in social media data on a number of platforms and to quickly be able to analyse the it using a range of features such as the ability to identify duplicate and near-duplicate clusters. I am yet to see a viable affordable competitor.
There are a number of nice machine learning features such as active learning. These can be useful for sifting out relevant and non-relevant content.
There is the ability to import data from other file formats and also export to a number of different formats including a format supported by NodeXL
I have added large datasets into DiscoverText and it has handled them with no problem.
There are a number of great training videos and tutorials online. I have also found that the support team are happy to chat if there are specific needs.
The customer support is excellent. I have had queries addressed via email and on Twitter.
DiscoverText is a really great cloud-based text-analytics tool. It has provided social scientists with the ability to perform powerful data science. For example, a popular aspect of DiscoverText is that it allows the ability to import and/or retrieve social media data, including historical data from Twitter, and analyse the data in order to answer research questions. One of the key challenges for social science researchers is that certain tools may require a computer science background, however, due to the ease of use of DiscoverText it has been used in answering important social science questions. Year on year DiscoverText has been growing in popularity. I can certainly conclude that this is a software to watch.
Overall, I’d say I highly recommend this tool to both academics and those within industry. It packs a number of great features which can be utilised across departments in organisation e.g., communications, HR to name a few. The vast number of scholarly citations it has received is a testament to its brilliance.
great tool for social media data collection and analysis
user-friendly interface, ease of use, readability of the results, low charge of social media data collection compared to other services, quick customer services
Very excellent for researchers in both academia and industry. It's not for english texts only, it's also capable of other languages.
Enterprise (>1001)
End User
DT has helped me to finish analysis for many research subjects in various ways, and I’d recommend it to people who want to perform textual analysis with the expectation of easy coding and high quality.
A great tool for data analyzing and management
The software is very good for data analyzing. Users can choose to apply various algorithms.
Small (<50)
End User
Projects can be shared between collaborators easily. It becomes very easy to manage data using this tool.
The UI is very user-friendly.
Feature of coding ability attracts researchers in data analytics area. Advanced filters can help on data management tasks.
The website has a lot of tutorial information. Training videos can also be found in youtube.
Customer support is very helpful.
I would recommend this software to everyone who work with a large amount of data.
A great tool for anyone interested in collecting social media data
Medium (50 to 1000)
End User
As a user gains experience and understanding, DiscoverText is a program that is relatively easy to use when collecting data.
Users really benefit from the ease of data collection and sorting that DiscoverText provides.
The ability to code and deduplicate data it one of the strongest features provided.
There are numerous training videos and articles provided are the website that can answer the majority of questions a user will have.
The best feature of this program is the customer support. The company responds quickly to any issues by either skype or email.
I would definitely recommend DiscoverText to anyone that wants to collect and analyze social media data.
DiscoverText is a great tool for collecting, sorting, and analyzing data.
Coding, Machine Learning
Small (<50)
Overall, I’ve had a great experience using DiscoverText for both in-class and client research projects. I will continue to use the platform for future research projects, especially the coding and machine-classification functionalities!
Excellent platform for social media coding and analysis
Easy and fast to use. Coding options are very convenient, which helps a great deal in analysis of big data. It is also easy to get multiple people working independently or collectively on a single project.
I had to do a bit of training initially to navigate the platform, but once you get the hang of it, it is quite easy and fast to work in.
It loads and runs very fast on my PC, which is great. Other programs I have found have more lag, especially when dealing with large data sets.
Training was relatively simple and easy to remember.
I would definitely recommend DiscoverText to my social science colleagues interested in coding large data sets of social media or other archival digital texts.
أفضل أداة لجمع وتحليل بيانات السوشل ميديا
التعلم الآلي والفلترة والترميز وجمع البيانات هو أفضل شي في هذه الأداة
تحتوي هذه الأداة على العديد من الفوائد منها
سهولة الاستخدام
سرعة التنفيذ
التعامل مع بيانات تويتر القديمية لغاية ٦ أشهر
Small (<50)
End User
Mass media
سهولة استخدام الأداة للذين لا يمتلكون مهارات تقنية عالية وجود دروس تعليمية في الموقع ترشدك للإستخدام الأفضل للأداة
إمكانية تجميع وتحليل البيانات فلترة البيانات تصفية التكرار ترميز البيانات
هذه الأداة تمتاز عن غيرها بخاصية التعلم الآلي
تتعامل الأداة مع أكثر من صيغة سواء في الإدراج والتصدير والتي تدعم استخدام أدوات تكاملية آخرى
عالي جداً في التعامل مع بيانات ضخمة
تتوفر العديد من الدروس التعليمية والشروحات التفصيلية لكيفية استخدام هذه الأداة عبر موقعهم الرسمي
دعم ممتاز سواء عبر الإيميل أو حساب تويتر
سهل جداً
أوصي جميع العاملين في القطاع الأكاديمي والباحثين في البيانات الضخمة استخدام هذه الأداة لسهولة وكفاءة استخدامها وكذلك للحكومات لفهم الرقميات الإنسانية
ساعدتني هذه الأداة لمشروع الدكتوراه بكل سهولة ويسر
Discover Text for SM Analysts
Collaboration and support ante the best!
It aggregates many features that before required our team to movie data from one software program to another and then to another. It can calculate inter-rater reliability, and so many other types of analysis (mentioned above) within one program.
Enterprise (>1001)
Super User
I am happy to answer questions about DiscoverText.
Excellent, user-friendly tool for collection, managing and analyzing big data
customer support, user-friendly interface,
Enterprise (>1001)
End User
Even if you have never worked with such a software before, it is easy to use.
We received a training from DiscoverText to get started, which was very helpful! Moreover, there are many blog posts and videos about the main features of the software.
Excellent! The team of DiscoverTexts respond very fast and is super helpful.
I would definitely recommend using DiscoverText for collecting, analyzing, and exporting big data.
Discovertext is a great software that I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to collect and analyze big data. It is easy to use, even for people without prior knowledge and if you run into problems, the team helps to solve any issues.
Best solution for multi-coder analyis of social media text
Ease of uploading data and downloading findings and findings' reports; deduplication tool; automated coding tool; trained sentiment coding set; annotation interface, ease of classifying and drilling into very large datasets
Removes the need for having an on-site developer when conducting social media text analysis; allows for the (relatively) quick coding of very large datasets and the control of coding quality when several coders are involved
Small (<50)
Super User
Easy to navigate, set up archives/datasets and coding schemes even without watching the tutorials (though watching them will save you time and give you loads of tips)
Many useful eatures and tools to classify and analyse your datat. Some of the best features for our projects have been the automated coding of large Twitter datasets, the adjudication/monitoring tools for ensuring quality of coding among several coders, and the deduplication feature (latter two only available forEnterprise accounts, which makes their cost prohibitive for smaller scale research projects)
See comment above
There is the occasional glitch with data processing but such minor glitches are always swiftly addressed by the developers. Considering we've often pushed the interface to its limits with the amount of datat we've uploaded, DT has overall proven a very stable tool.
We've used DT for various projects since 2013 and have lways had excellnt customer support.
Definitely recommend DT for social media text analysis, owrksgreat both ith structured and unstructured text (at some point we even successfully coded newspaper articles in various languages using DT, but the software shines through when i comes to processing Twitter, FB and other social media/online comments text.
We have been using DT for research projects in the fields of political communication/Euroscepticism/poIiticaI crises. It was the only solution available when we started back in 2012-
2013 that allowed for direct import of social media data and subsequent coding by several coders sitting in different countries. Over the years we have tested other solutions for
specific cornponents of social media analysis (eg for downloading and processing Twitter data, R for network mapping) but DT remans the only comprehensive
solution for social media analysis that is provides a Wide range of features and is consistently reliable.
a quick and easy tool
the speed and ease with which data can be processed
Small (<50)
End User
its very intuitive and easy to handle
it lets you code even big data sets in a short amount of time
the annotation tool is great, especially for the communication and development aspect within a team of researchers
runs fast and without any problems
I was trained by people fairly familiar with the program, so my experience might not be representative. But I found the learning curve to be fairly steep.
I only had an issue once, and it was fixed instantly.
I recommend it for projects with a not to extensive amount of coding options (up to ten maybe), regardless the data size
I recommend people just try it out for themselves.
Discover Text Review
The amount of data you can collect. It's also easy to set up coding schemes.
Helps me to gain a big data perspective using qualitative techniques
Small (<50)
This is a great tool to have to get big data perspectives using qualitative methods.