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BOARD integrate Business Intelligence Software (BI) with Corporate Performance Management tools and provides Business Intelligence functions including reporting, multi-dimensional analysis, ad hoc querying and dashBOARDing is combined with the ability to manage and monitor all performance planning and control processes, from budgeting, planning and forecasting to profitability analysis, scorecarding and financial consolidation.
Business Intelligence Software
Sub Category
Self Service Analytics Software, Data Visualization Software, Dashboard Software, Reporting Software, Cloud Business Intelligence Software, Corporate Performance Management Software, Enterprise Performance Management Software
•Data discovery and analysis •Planning •Simulation •Reporting •Dashboarding
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Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1001 employees)
What is best?
• Business Intelligence • Performance Management • Advanced Analytics
What are the benefits?
•Predictive and advanced analytics •Scorecarding •Mobile •MS Office integration
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BOARD is a software solution that unifies Business Intelligence, Performance Management and Analytics in a single environment.
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BOARD integrate Business Intelligence Software (BI) with Corporate Performance Management tools and provides Business Intelligence functions including reporting, multi-dimensional analysis, ad hoc querying and dashBOARDing is combined with the ability to manage and monitor all performance planning and control processes, from budgeting, planning and forecasting to profitability analysis, scorecarding and financial consolidation.
BOARD International is a global leader in the Business Intelligence and Performance Management space. BOARD has enabled over 2,500 companies worldwide to rapidly deploy BI and CPM applications in a single integrated environment completely programming-free and in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions.
BOARD provides one accurate, complete view of an organization’s information, fully integrated with its processes, uniquely linking performance from strategic vision to all levels down to operational detail.
BOARD Enterprise Analytics Modelling (BEAM) is a new module that seamlessly integrates Advanced and Predictive Analytics into BOARD, making it easy to uncover powerful insights and take action.
BOARD mobile apps moves Mobile Intelligence beyond traditional analysis and reporting, extending it to Performance Management. Renewed graphical engine, combined with an extended set of graphs, offers radically impacts user experience with better interactivity, usability and ease of analysis.
The geo-intelligence capabilities allow users to analyse spatial data and merge it with dynamic maps in a fully interactive environment. The In-Memory Server Cluster technology takes BOARD’s scalability and response time to a completely new level by allowing applications deployment across multiple physical machines. BOARD Nexel enables the use of Excel-like formulas in reports, adding further flexibility to BOARD’s data calculation capability.
Predict sales gives users a great help in discovering trends and possible new product or gig for better sales and healthy profit.
Company size
Small (<50)
User Role
Super User
User Industry
Financial services
Ease of use8.4
Users can navigate through the screen by clicking buttons to go to pages and hovering on top of buttons to display tool tips and also embed videos as tutorial for their end users.
Features & Functionality8
Predict sales where users click on a scenarios chart such as most likely sales trend which located on the left side of the screen then it generates data from previous months for users to see the likely trend for the current month.
Advanced Features8.3
Embed annotations, links and video anywhere on the board where users can click on a button beside help to view the video embedded.
Training 8.1
Customer Support8.1
Renew & Recommend8.2
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Board makes a good tool to bring in sales through the predict sales tool and saves time by removing a lot of research from previous months manually.
Reach a single vision of your performance in an organization by integrating information from various sources into a virtual data repository shared by the entire organization.
Company size
Medium (50 to 1000)
User Role
IT Support
User Industry
Ease of use8.3
Features & Functionality8.2
Advanced Features8.3
Customer Support8.3
Renew & Recommend8.4
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Board – advanced analytics automates the building of sophisticated data mining and predictive models. The performance management links the insights provided by business intelligence to the planning and control cycles of the enterprise. The business intelligence explores your data, runs effective analysis, builds interactive dashboard, and creates beautiful reports.
Helps organizations reach a single vision of their performance in a simple and effective manner.
Company size
Enterprise (>1001)
User Role
User Industry
Ease of use8
Easily implement planning solutions, profitability applications and scorecards to effectively aligning performances with corporate strategic objectives. Drive better decision-making through more meaningful and forward-looking insights from your data.
Features & Functionality8.9
Advanced Features8.4
Training 8.9
Customer Support8.9
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BOARD – an all-in-one CPM and Business Intelligence Software solution that makes it easy to build any business analytics and planning applications. Information originating from various sources is integrated into a virtual data repository shared by the entire organization thus providing business users with a customized yet unitary vision.
Helps to Save Time
Predict sales gives users a great help in discovering trends and possible new product or gig for better sales and healthy profit.
Small (<50)
Super User
Financial services
Users can navigate through the screen by clicking buttons to go to pages and hovering on top of buttons to display tool tips and also embed videos as tutorial for their end users.
Predict sales where users click on a scenarios chart such as most likely sales trend which located on the left side of the screen then it generates data from previous months for users to see the likely trend for the current month.
Embed annotations, links and video anywhere on the board where users can click on a button beside help to view the video embedded.
Board makes a good tool to bring in sales through the predict sales tool and saves time by removing a lot of research from previous months manually.
Easy Switch
Reverse algorithm in board makes it possible to correct any calculations made on values put in a table just by typing and saving to update the table.
Medium (50 to 1000)
End User
Users can reject a plan and send an update or attach different types of documents and add texts to a report on a table easily clicking on them.
Reverse algorithm in board where users can edit or adjust numbers on a calculated table which is not possible most of the time in excel.
Top down input screen where users can spread back do a mass data entry by highlighting cells and also lock cells for the values not to be changed.
Reverse algorithm with the top down input can really make users switch into board from the usual Microsoft Excel data entry.
Reach a single vision of your performance in an organization by integrating information from various sources into a virtual data repository shared by the entire organization.
Medium (50 to 1000)
IT Support
Board – advanced analytics automates the building of sophisticated data mining and predictive models. The performance management links the insights provided by business intelligence to the planning and control cycles of the enterprise. The business intelligence explores your data, runs effective analysis, builds interactive dashboard, and creates beautiful reports.
Helps organizations reach a single vision of their performance in a simple and effective manner.
Enterprise (>1001)
Easily implement planning solutions, profitability applications and scorecards to effectively aligning performances with corporate strategic objectives. Drive better decision-making through more meaningful and forward-looking insights from your data.
BOARD – an all-in-one CPM and Business Intelligence Software solution that makes it easy to build any business analytics and planning applications. Information originating from various sources is integrated into a virtual data repository shared by the entire organization thus providing business users with a customized yet unitary vision.