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Angoos KnowledgeREADER brings a new age of integrated customer intelligence by combining visual text discovery and sentiment analysis with the power of predictive analytics.
Text Analytics Software, Sentiment Analysis Software, Categorization Software, Named Entity Extraction Software
•Visual Text Discovery Dashboard •Sentiment Analysis and Sentiment Categorization •Extraction of Topics, Themes, Entities, and Sentiment-bearing phrases •Comparison Analysis •Trend Analysis •Syntax Matrix technology •Association Discovery •Document Summarization and Sentiment Markup •Automated creation of a dataset for predictive modeling •Association analysis based on text analysis results
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Users Size
Small (<50 employees), Medium (50 to 1000 Enterprise (>1000 employees)
What is best?
•Visual Text Discovery Dashboard •Sentiment Analysis and Sentiment Categorization •Extraction of Topics, Themes, Entities, and Sentiment-bearing phrases •Comparison Analysis •Trend Analysis •Syntax Matrix technology •Association Discovery •Document Summarization and Sentiment Markup
What are the benefits?
• Deploy anyway and anywhere • Streamline your analytics tools with fully-integrated and scalable Big Data application • Efficiently harness the power of big data • Simplify data access with a single application • Make the most of your current resources
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Angoos enrich your text discovery process with robust text mining functionality that provides you with access to Natural Language Processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, text discovery dashboard, association discovery maps, document exploration/sentiment markup, classification, and entity and theme extraction.
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Angoos KnowledgeREADER brings a new age of integrated customer intelligence by combining visual text discovery and sentiment analysis with the power of predictive analytics.
Angoos enrich your text discovery process with robust text mining functionality that provides you with access to Natural Language Processing (NLP), sentiment analysis, text discovery dashboard, association discovery maps, document exploration/sentiment markup, classification, and entity and theme extraction. Native language packs greatly enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis and catch many nuances that are usually lost in translation. KnowledgeREADER offers multi-language support for English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Chinese (Mandarin), Korean, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Malay and Singlish languages.
Association analysis, via a visual map, allows users to uniquely discover how terms are used in relation to each other in order to identify the context surrounding trending themes and topics.
Provides the visual analytics that facilitates large-scale distribution of data sources
Company size
Enterprise (>1001)
User Role
Super User
User Industry
Ease of use8.4
Features & Functionality8.1
Advanced Features8.4
Training 8.2
Customer Support8.2
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Angoos KnowledgeReader provides the visual analytics that facilitates large-scale distribution of data sources such as Amazon s3 and Hadoop HDFS. The analytics tools that are full integrated and scalable enables scaling of large data analytics. The knoweldeENTERPRISE featured by Angoos KnowledgeReader facilitates efficient deploying of models through automatic code generation or scoring in physical or virtual environment as well as in cloud or on-premises. The KnowledgeENTERPRISE also enables performance of analytics within a user’s Big Data framework such as Hadoop. The performance of analytics is able to be done without moving the data to other environments. Angoos KnowledgeReader also provides a good platform for advanced modelling in Big Data frameworks through Spark. With Angoos KnowledgeReader users are enabled to perform seamless integration with Spark as well as In-memory execution on Spark. Angoos KnowledgeReader facilitates deployment and evaluation of models in Big Data environment. The Spark Generic Code node facilitates integration with Jupyter Notebook that runs Python programs on Spark. Users are also enabled to deploy multiple projects in parallel.
Provides the visual analytics that facilitates large-scale distribution of data sources
Enterprise (>1001)
Super User
Angoos KnowledgeReader provides the visual analytics that facilitates large-scale distribution of data sources such as Amazon s3 and Hadoop HDFS. The analytics tools that are full integrated and scalable enables scaling of large data analytics. The knoweldeENTERPRISE featured by Angoos KnowledgeReader facilitates efficient deploying of models through automatic code generation or scoring in physical or virtual environment as well as in cloud or on-premises. The KnowledgeENTERPRISE also enables performance of analytics within a user’s Big Data framework such as Hadoop. The performance of analytics is able to be done without moving the data to other environments. Angoos KnowledgeReader also provides a good platform for advanced modelling in Big Data frameworks through Spark. With Angoos KnowledgeReader users are enabled to perform seamless integration with Spark as well as In-memory execution on Spark. Angoos KnowledgeReader facilitates deployment and evaluation of models in Big Data environment. The Spark Generic Code node facilitates integration with Jupyter Notebook that runs Python programs on Spark. Users are also enabled to deploy multiple projects in parallel.